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Personal growth is hard when you leave no room (time) for it.

Started on a #bicycle ride today, but turned back when the frigid, gusty, and snow-laden wind slapped me around enough. #Seattle #cycling #wawx #seabikes #wasnow

Bill Sharpe Gadfly reshared this.

Still not sure what to expect this weekend beyond "cold", and I'm not the only one. #Seattle #wawx #weather #wasnow

The reason I have posted pretty much zero regarding this weekend, is because there is pretty much zero model consensus (as per usual, but I don't remember it ever being quite THIS bad ...😩) on where the snow will be. We are confident in sub freezing temperatures for a few days....but snow....yeah, I wish we had some sort of idea.

That is why there is a range of possibilities for snow. I wish I had a better answer. Ideally, prepare for snow, but don't be surprised if it does not snow or only very little. There will still be very cold temperatures - so keep that in mind. I'll have more info later today - as much as I can share with you with any sort of confidence.

Laura Loe (Seattle) reshared this.

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

That is a good thing. If that had not worked you may have needed more people or a crane of some sort.

I hope you get the bike all fixed up!

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I tried riding right after the big #Seattle #snow event at the beginning of December, but I didn't have suitable tires for what I ran into! (Original) #wasnow #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #photography #photog #photo

reshared this

Michael Emerman reshared this.

Dec. 23, 7 a.m.: All Metro service suspended due to ice; Next update at 10 a.m.

As first shared on Dec. 23 at 5 a.m., King County Metro’s buses are unable to leave bus bases due to deteriorating and unsafe road conditions. We regret the impact on our riders. We continue to reassess and will provide the next update at 10 a.m. We remain optimistic that we will be able to provide service later today.

Since Metro communicated yesterday its move to the Emergency Snow Network (ESN), fast-accumulating ice and sub-freezing temperatures across King County have worsened and make it impossible for any buses to travel at the present time. We will add bus service as soon as it is safe for customers and employees.
#Seattle #snow #wasnow #wawx
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Oh well Here we have rain and 10°C (Germany, Lake Constance)...
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I read “bus bases” too fast and wondered “If bus basses are based basses 🐟 , do bussed pass basses pass passes to first base bass 🎻 players?” (You’re welcome!)