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Finally found a halfway decent OBDII Android app that:
Doesn't lock code reads behind a paywall/subscription
Supports multiple vehicles
Works with my generic Bluetooth ODBII reader
Although, seeing all these codes, I kinda wish I hadn't found the app. That's a lot of troubleshooting, ugh. I'm mostly concerned about the MAF, FPR, and glow plug codes. The radio, MIL, and cruise control codes are expected (I pulled some fuses troubleshooting other stuff).
The app is Car Scanner ELM OBD2 by 0vZ.
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It's not surprising that TransLink set records on the weekend - 1.9 million trips!
TransLink had a plan, marketed to Swifities, and added extra service. Great job all around.
“To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”
Luigi's Manifesto
Exclusive: read Luigi Mangione's 262-word manifesto on the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEOKen Klippenstein
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I predict that Luigi will not be going to prison. He will be charged. There will be a trial. The result will be a hung jury. The case will be dismissed.
Just got back from getting a #vasectomy! 👍
(I feel like 20 years of wanting it was enough time to think about it. :P )
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"In cars, formaldehyde adhesives can be found in the dashboards, seat coverings, flooring materials, carpeting, door trim, window sealant and armrests. And just like furniture, the highest levels of formaldehyde are found when cars are fresh off the assembly line."
How High Are Formaldehyde Levels in Your Home? We Tested It.
The chemical can trigger health problems and causes more cancer than any other toxic air pollutant. Our reporters traveled around New York City and New Jersey with equipment to measure its presence. The results proved concerning.ProPublica
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"Ashley Furniture spokespeople said the company follows all laws and regulations for furniture manufacturing."
This is a reminder that the "laws and regulations" just define the worst you can do without criminal or civil penalties.
The laws and regulations do not mean that it is safe. Just that the company cannot be held accountable for their actions if they follow "all laws and regulations"
#toxics hide behind regulations strongly influenced by industry
#formaldehyde #HazardousExposures #ChemicalPollution in your home (or car/suv/truck/van)
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not really no, I was shocked with how well it worked with everything, the main workload was fixing my previously-msvc code 😭
I think I also needed to spend a while looking up flags for disabling certain warnings, but I haven't had to touch any config since that initial changeover. Hmu if you have any questions, been using VS since 2007 god help me
I never thought he'd actually say it, even though studies over the years have shown this to be true. :P
Motorcycles can FIX this major USA Issue, but we're too lazy.
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At least a hundred people have told me to make a video about the bike lane law that was recently passed in Ontario, Canada.
But there's so much more behind this decision, than just bike lanes.
I hated making this video. Watching old PWIC meetings to dig up old info brought back SO many bad memories of being a safe-streets advocate in Toronto. I'm so glad I left.
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- YouTube
Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on
"When cars replaced horses as the primary means of getting around..." as if people never walked or took streetcars & trains.
If this discount supermarket were located in auto-dependent suburbia, there's zero chance they would go to all that bother to keep non-customers out of their parking lot. This guy drives everywhere in a walkable area.
There’s No Good Reason to Buy a Carbon Bike
The pro racers who do need carbon fiber bikes get them for free. Only the people who don’t need them actually pay for them.Carbon fiber is light. It’s strong. It can be used to build everything from frames to seat posts to handlebars to cranks. And it’s one of the worst things that’s happened to bikes.
Now, to be clear, carbon fiber makes perfect sense for professional racing. Because it’s basically a fabric, builders can mold it into all sorts of aerodynamic shapes. Moreover, they can tune ride quality and maintain strength while simultaneously keeping the weight to a minimum in a way that’s not really possible with metal tubing. It used to be that racers had to choose between a light bike and an aero bike; now they can have both, all thanks to the miraculous properties of carbon fiber. At this point, there’s no reason for elite competitors to use anything else.
Gift Yourself More AdventureBut here’s the thing: you’re not them. I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you’re almost certainly incapable of milking the handful of seconds a wind tunnel-sculpted pro-level carbon fiber race machine might theoretically net you in certain situations. Moreover, the pro racers who do need carbon fiber bikes get them for free; only the people who don’t need them actually pay for them. This means that, ipso facto, if you’ve purchased a carbon fiber bicycle, you’ve made a mistake.
“Okay, fine, I may not be Jonas Vingegaard,” you may be thinking. “Maybe I didn’t need a carbon bike. But how does that mean I’ve made a mistake?”
Simple: while you’re not able to extract carbon fiber’s small performance benefits, you are in an ideal position to experience its many drawbacks—and for normal people, carbon fiber bicycles have only drawbacks.
This is Bike Snob NYC writing for Outside Online, by the way.
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Three points
1. Its a symptom of the other image attached
2. It would be INFINITELY more disturbing if people didnt respond to a broken social contract and (other image attached) with desperate defiance.
3. Hes a modern day Robin Hood. We've powerlessly watched the wealthy rape & plunder my whole lifetime.
He didnt return us our stolen wealth; he reminded us of, & thus gave back, power to the people.
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You all can keep your constantly changing disc brake caliper mounting standards. I'll stick with the bog-standard canti posts that haven't changed in forever. :3
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TIL the insult "suck eggs" originates from the full phrase "teaching grandmother to suck eggs," referring to a person giving advice to another person in a subject with which the other person is already familiar
#til #todayilearned
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TIL Big Pete from The Adventures of Pete and Pete retired from acting in 2013 and now works as an electrician on film and television
#til #todayilearned
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My shop said that not only did one of the caliper's pistons crack, TRP doesn't even make the brake in post mount form anymore, so I guess it's back to cable disc brakes again. 🙃
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Yeah, Gmail has a feature where it'll retrieve emails from another server, using either POP3 or IMAP (assuming the other server supports that)
It's under Settings -> Accounts and Import -> Check email from other accounts
Once retrieved, you can then set up filters for it as normal, including forwarding
One limitation is that there's no way to set how often it'll check — it'll check as often as it sees fit. That can be an issue for confirmation emails, which sometimes expire quite quickly.
when i was a kid, you could build a simple game or application by dragging and dropping a few UI controls, and gluing them together with a few dozen lines of BASIC or Pascal or HyperTalk. it might take 15 minutes, at most, to get your little character walking around on the screen. this is how we ended up with a lot of hilariously good and cheap shareware you could share on BBSes in the 90s.
for the past year i've been quietly working on building a software thingie that doesn't exist anymore. i've been building a software toolkit that's kinda like Visual Basic and HyperCard and Borland Delphi, designed for making tile-based 2d games.
i've been using it to build my own little goofy games, and improving on the drag'n'drop IDE as i figuring things out. it's not done yet, and has a long ways to go before it's ready for other people to start making their own little applications and games. think PICO-8 or ZZT if they had grown up on a steady diet of Windows 3.1 and GeoWorks Ensemble instead.
i'm really, really bad about polishing turds to infinity and never releasing them. to break that habit, i've built a mini-website for the IDE/Shareware Creation Kit. it's called Exigy, named like a bad 80s metal hair band or richard garriott game.
i'll be posting weekly blog/devlog updates there, so i don't irritate anyone with them on this account. there is an rss feed button at the top right if you hate my demonic php and css.
#shareware #ultima #php #blog #smolweb #zzt #indiedev #hypercard #vintageApple #exigy
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Content warning: UHC asshole
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Every winter, #MotherNature ❄️ reveals how much we over-designed our streets for cars. But if we look carefully, she also inspires us to create healthier and more equitable streets for all!
📍- Philadelphia🇺🇸, S 4th & Monroe St.
(📸 by @quantum_mystic | Animation by @otucis)
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Social Media Has Little Sympathy for Murdered US Health Insurance Exec
Social Media Respond Health Insurance CEO Murder With Little Sympathy
Americans on social media showed virtually no sympathy for the apparently targeted killing of UnitedHealthcare's CEO by mystery gunman in New York.Miles Klee (Rolling Stone)
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Internet Thirsts Over Pics of Suspect in UnitedHealthcare CEO Shooting
Social media was unsympathetic about the murder of UnitedHealthcare's CEO, and now they're swooning over pictures of the shooting suspect.Miles Klee (Rolling Stone)
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in reply to Delta Sierra • • •Delta Sierra
in reply to Earthshine • • •Earthshine
in reply to Delta Sierra • • •Delta Sierra
in reply to Earthshine • • •@earthshine send me an affiliate link already! (Kidding, kidding).
I'm shopping for standalone readers too, but it's always nice to reuse hardware I already have on hand.
in reply to Delta Sierra • • •BD does bluetooth readers for phones, unfortunately. standalones are real $$$ as they're mostly dealer specific tools.
I'm currently planning to play around with an OBD2 breakout board to see what I can do with Arduino to interface with the CANBUS.
Delta Sierra
in reply to Earthshine • • •@earthshine ohhh, that sounds like an interesting project! I'm curious what you can come up with there. I know someone who is trying to pick apart CAN bus data on forklifts of all things. There is a lot of interesting data to be had, if you can parse it out.
The standalone reader I'm currently considering is $300+, buuut it should support all of our US/Japanese vehicles at least.
in reply to Delta Sierra • • •