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Personal growth is hard when you leave no room (time) for it.

in reply to Sampath Pāṇini ®

Checks out for those in high income industries (like tech). I know some folks who have been actively job-hunting for 7-8 months. It took me 3.5 months, myself.

I’m not much of a white-collar person, though. I’m more of a hoodie person (and I have various colors). 😉

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

drivers are monsters and we should design streets to account for how they really behave instead of how we wish they would

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Velocipedestrienne 🇿🇦

@HayiWena educators shouldn't have to bear that or so many other burdens we put on them. Bike training would be better than lockdown drills I guess, but the network/system is out of their hands (yes we give the principals veto power over anything that would make driving difficult 😞 IDK)
in reply to 😀🚲

the school district isn't taking every opportunity to talk to the cities and advocate for the safety of the kids in their walk zone then I don't think they are delivering equitable access to education. This is a Title 1 school and the lowest income families are in the walk zone. Our neighborhood is more affluent for sure, which is why most of us drive our kids.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Did you know eSIMs still run an embedded form of Java?

It's not real Java. No of course not. It's much more cursed.

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in reply to Mx. Worldwide :therian:

SIM cards can run custom applications that the carrier put on them. The phone is not aware of these applications, generally speaking. There's restrictions on what it can do... mostly constrained by the fact it's a tiny-ass SIM card.
in reply to Mx. Worldwide :therian:

So yeah if you thought, "I'm running a phone free of proprietary software :blobfox:​", if it uses a SIM card? Quite possibly, nope not true.
in reply to Mx. Worldwide :therian:

If you want to know more:

This is a technical talk, so be warned. You will also probably be spooked by your phone afterwards. I know for a while I kinda just stared at it, like, "ehhgh... I don't like this."

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in reply to Mx. Worldwide :therian:

SIM cards also can store contact data, fun fact, although modern phones can't usually *write* this data to the SIM (I think some apps can do it, I did it years ago for novelty, but that might have changed), you definitely can read contacts off the SIM.
in reply to Mx. Worldwide :therian:

right did a minor edit at the fact the eff link was for devices such as stingray but the point still stands that K on sim cards is insanely fucking broken. I don't know of anyone who's talked about it in depth (I remember reading a lot online) so I'd love to have a defcon video or something to go with it. Sim card auth is actually horrifying to think about
in reply to Amber

@puppygirlhornypost That's GSM yea, this is why you should never enable 2G on your phone btw.
in reply to Mx. Worldwide :therian:

yeah. i mean it's more of a historical artifact. I wonder if there's any in depth youtube videos or something to digest regarding how broken this system got. I mean there's a reason we went away from it.
in reply to Amber

@puppygirlhornypost I posted a video about SIM cards a moment ago and some guys who made their own GSM network in the woods.
in reply to Mx. Worldwide :therian:

@puppygirlhornypost But yea I actually think everyone should disable 2G on their phone, not just because LEO's use it in stingrays, but because anyone can do it and the portion of the baseband facing the radio is probably the least audited part of a modern phone given that it's assume to be trusted (the OS-facing side IS audited more now, after it's been used to jailbreak/hacktivate phones).
in reply to Mx. Worldwide :therian: Mx. Worldwide :therian: reshared this.

oh i actually found some of the videos. are also noteworthy for this thread.
in reply to Leah


This is a simple question and the answer is not straightforward.

In the sense of, "can I get an open-source SIM card?" The answer is "yes, but..."

The "but" there is the problem.

The thing is, you need the ICCID, phone number, authentication keys, etc. to sign onto the network.

These things cannot be retrieved from a SIM card by design (otherwise you could clone SIMs and that would actually be extremely bad).

You would need to run your own network... I doubt any major network is gonna let an MVNO on with an open-source SIM.

You also generally speaking can't modify much on a SIM, especially the code, after it's been flashed. That said, people have done interesting things with the applications on the SIM card before for small uses, like setting up a small mobile network for a conference in the woods (they had a special FCC license just for the occasion, it was all above board, it's just expensive to run long-term and you couldn't run it everywhere), with a VPN and everything.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Great new video from "political influencer" 😉
Many many valid points.
Is there any other way we could save lives, help the environment, reduce injuries, improve mental health, reduce pollution, make transport cheaper, and more, for such a small amount of money and effort?
#NotJustBikes #WarOnCars #Nebula #Urbanism

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Biology faculty at UT are meeting today to talk about a hiring plan. I don't envy their job of trying to make a department located in Texas attractive.

We're in the middle of an ongoing purge of black staff, the administration just called in the state police to beat and jail students, and no one in their right mind would want to risk pregnancy to have a family here. It's bleak.

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in reply to Alex Wild

my texas based company is asking interviewers if we get feedback from people about their concerns about living in Texas, and I'm all yeah, like every interview except if it's a white guy.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

a reality that socialist or progressive protestors must take into account is that disorder on the streets always works to the political advantage of fascists, who credibly promise order at all costs even while they cynically ensure protest becomes disorderly.

it’s not fair, but it is reality. in the ecstasy of genuine righteousness one may not give a fuck, but then a morning after comes.

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in reply to Steve Randy Waldman

completely disagree. Government overreach due to disorder on the streets is what changes minds. AIDS didn’t vanish silently, there is actual medicine BECAUSE ACT UP caused disorder in the streets. Just like Vietnam’s war and civil rights movement.
in reply to divya

@divya ACT UP caused very narrow and targeted disorder on the streets, and famously paired it with an inside strategy. i’m not saying all protest is bad. i’m saying effective protest is orderly, intentionally and clearly contained, carefully controlled because when it devolves into anything that resembles street violence you lose. the 1980s were a propitious time for these protests, bc there was a right wing govt but no fascist outside movement contesting. 1/
in reply to Steve Randy Waldman

@divya the civil rights movement has to be scored a win for outside protest, but it was a close run thing, under unusual circumstances, in which people were so committed they not only began nonviolent but remained so under baton and fist. even so, it likely would not have succeeded if the disorder had not been confined to a fraction of the country the rest was embarrassed about, and extraordinary efforts by LBJ. i think we’ve overlearned from a very close-run N=1. 2/
in reply to Steve Randy Waldman

this is very wild thing to say, 60s had a lot of shit going on and people were not violently committed to being non-violent! We had the Black Panthers for gads sake!
in reply to divya

@divya There was a lot going on, sure. And there was violence. You can make a case that a generalized sense of threat played bad cop to the ostentatious virtue of MLK's nonviolent movement. Riots sometime lead to change. But they often lead to reaction. 1/
in reply to Steve Randy Waldman

@divya You can tell lots of stories about the 60s. But I don't think you can fairly look at the world and conclude that violent chaos frequently births leftish or liberal or just orders. You can maybe claim CRM as a counterexample, if you want to emphasize the sense of threat. But then the political aftermath of the 60s was mostly reaction. Vietnam War protests just picked off LBJ, which did not redound to the benefit of people in Indochina. /fin
in reply to Steve Randy Waldman

Now you are changing the terms of the debate.

You said disorder on the streets *always* works to the political advantage of fascists. I disagreed and mentioned how disorder on the streets is what got us the rights the disorder happened to support.

Vietnam war protests *did* benefit south east Asia! There were no more bombs being dropped on Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia.

in reply to divya

This is true, and in the long-term in seeded movement reactionaries who gifted us…Reagan and *gesticulates wildly*
in reply to Steve Randy Waldman

it always works to the advantage of fascists because the right wing does not throw their radical actors under the bus like liberals do.

if a fascist does something heinous, "respectable" conservatives go "while certainly i disagree with the methods, [target] had it coming"

whereas liberals spend weeks clutching pearls about the entire movement if one person breaks a window.

insert MLK quote here about the white moderate and their devotion to order before justice.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Publicly Threatening to Lose Your Motherfucking Shit and 5 Other Great Ways to Ask for More Civility:

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in reply to The Needling

Harrell and Saka are two regressive turds who need to be voted out of office.

Great piece!

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

For the first time since March 2023, there are no more slow zones on the #MBTA Blue Line:


Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Ah yes, cops trampling those pesky first-amendment rights in order to raise a symbol of our freedom.


Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Andres Salomon

They must have forgotten to bring the cross with them...
in reply to Andres Salomon

And what are they doing raising the flag in the middle of the night? Those cops were obviously never Boy Scouts...

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Boeing's 787 "Dreamliner" is manufactured far from the company's Seattle headquarters, in a non-union shop in Charleston, South Carolina. At that shop, there is a cage full of defective parts that have been pulled from production because they are not airworthy.


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


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in reply to Cory Doctorow

Content warning: Long thread/35

in reply to Cory Doctorow 😀🚲 reshared this.

Meanwhile, the company has filled our skies with at *least* 420 airplanes with defective, red-painted parts that were locked up in the MRSA cage, then snuck out and fitted to an airplane that you or someone you love could fly on the next time you take your family on vacation or fly somewhere for work.


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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

CarBrain strikes again!

Training for drivers is 1 h. Training for cyclists is 4. Which of us is easily capable of killing someone else with a moment of inattention again?

(this is an official UCI email from Transportation & Distribution Services)


Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to NNN

@NewNordicNormal The optimistic take is that they will explain things like, "the reason that person is cycling 'in the middle of the road' is because that's what the regulations tell them to do, so shut up and wait your turn" but, well, that is optimistic.
in reply to Captain Janegay 🫖

@CaptainJanegay @NewNordicNormal Maybe they will teach the "Dutch reach" and I won't be doored ever again? (once was quite enough, thank you)

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

NYPD is right now about to storm Columbia University in NYC after protesters against genocide occupied a university building.

Here’s something interesting from the Uhiversity website.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

It's sad how "new" today means "worse materials, less material, and shorter design lifespan in the name of maximizing shareholder-appeasing profit" and not "better". :/
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

late stage capitalism. yes it sucks..
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in reply to Neil E. Hodges

and "with an app" (side hustle of selling anything possible about the user to anyone who will pay)

in reply to stefani banerian

Killology. The distilled poison of the US civil police force soul.

Exactly. (Though I do quote from Grossman's On Killing in regards to the steps required to pull the trigger.)

in reply to stefani banerian

Psychopathology is a form of insanity. What else would it be where people do things that harm others badly and benefit no one? That's pretty sick.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

All "strict" parenting is abusive. A primary focus on controlling children instead of working with & living with them in ways that respect them as people, is only ever going to be on a spectrum of "bad" to "worse."

There seems to be a lot of focus on differentiating "good" strict parenting (supposedly not abusive) and "bad" strict parenting (abusive), when any variation is wildly authoritarian and worthy of condemnation.

The abuse of children is absolutely endemic. It's the norm. Which means MOST parenting is, to some extent, also abusive.

In the same way that men must be explicitly AGAINST patriarchy to do good, non-engagement with gendered oppression means participating in it, so too adults must be ACTIVELY opposed to the oppression of children in order to not engage in normalized abuse of children.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

So BJ's can tell if you're using a phone number associated with a mobile phone specifically now, and requires you do so to use their delivery service.
I've been using a VoIP number specifically so I DON’T have to give my real phone number out to businesses and other organisations that will likely sell them to data brokers etc.

This kind of tech is concerning, Many of us use VoIP numbers to keep big businesses and other shady operations from getting our real numbers. This could basically kill that, and I wonder how many other businesses will start using tricks like this to get our personal data in the future.

in reply to Baloo Uriza

@BalooUriza Probably for the best, though if this becomes a more wide spread thing I wonder how long that's going to work out?
in reply to Monstrosity Deluxe!

It's 2024. They can work with me or I can happily go elsewhere.

Leafuw reshared this.

If your for-profit business has ever received a bailout or government subsidy because it can't stay afloat any other way, your business model and/or business practices are broken. >:(

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

At the Cascade Bicycle Club Bike Everywhere Lunch. King County Councilmember Claudia Balducci gave Bellevue’s Franz Loewenherz a glowing shout out.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Seattle Bike Blog

Amber Weilert’s speech at the lunch broke me. I feel honored that she shared her story with us. I’m still in an emotional daze. RIP Mikey. I’ll try to collect more coherent thoughts in a post.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

gender is a legacy api endpoint which returns the average of a few other, more modern datapoints. escaped full depreciation due to institutional use.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

How racist is Seattle?


There are still hundreds of racially restrictive deed covenants, though legally not enforceable, still on deeds all around Seattle. Removing them costs as much as a used car.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

"I think we've went bit over budget with this bus stop"

submitted by u/CZsfPurplik

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

"ALICE" is the acronym for "asset limited, income constrained, employed" -- basically, folks who have jobs but ones that don't pay terribly well, and possess little wealth

Research shows this cohort of the American population is growing ...

... and they're stuck in a bad spot, policy-wise: They earn too much to quality for low-income government support, but too little to be comfortable amidst the big soaring costs of housing, health care, education and transportation

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in reply to Clive Thompson

What about “working poor”, “proletariat”, or “precariat”?

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

the US has been on the wrong side of literally every conflict it's ever been involved in except ww2. that's a really high bar

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in reply to Mx. Worldwide :therian:

@Elizafox WW1 is the prototypical inter-imperialist war, fought purely because the various sides wanted to expand over the others, every side except opposition to it was wrong
in reply to chjara

I dunno if you count the civil war as a US government war tho (I think the union counts)

I mean we fought a war over the right to own human beings basically

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

say goodbye to the sudo. a sudo replacement called run0 that will be part of the upcoming systemd 256 release. #linux

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to nixCraft 🐧

For WHAT purpose? I thought systemd was just an init system nothing more than that.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

it was about time for serious effort to replace sudo. If everyone who complained so far would just go and look at what we are taking about here.
sudo has a huge codebase, especially considering that most people are using only the core feature.
Having it integrated into that thing that starts services as root would indeed make sense.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Wilburton Station is destined to be a major bike/transit hub of the Eastside

#Seattle #SEAbikes

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in reply to Seattle Bike Blog

Seriously took longer than I expected for me to realize this is in Seattle, mostly because I wasn't aware there's a Wilburton in metro Seattle and I was just spending the better part of a week nearest to Wilburton, OK
in reply to Seattle Bike Blog

Got a great surprise update today: The trail connection between the I-90 Trail and South Bellevue Station is open! #Seattle #SEAbikes

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Freedom of the press is being hammered in several European Union countries.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

The words "hard core" are the tell. He's doubling down on an obviously-even-to-him bad decision he made in the middle of a drug binge, so he can avoid looking dumb or weak or wrong.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

US will reclassify marijuana in historic shift: AP sources | AP News:

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in reply to Two Teks in a trench coat

I mean I've been voting in favor of legalization at every opportunity despite not using, because i think it's among the dumber enforcements.

But I didn't think the federal government would budge in my lifetime.

in reply to Random Geek

@randomgeek Exactly the same here. I don't use it, but I can walk into any nearby store and buy a jug of legal drugs with much higher harm and abuse potential. That's madness.
in reply to Random Geek

Alcohol is WAY more dangerous all-around and gets a free pass. (Both can still be very hazardous of course.)

I heard that Alcohol companies helped to push the war on drugs- not sure if that’s actuate or not. But it’s believable.

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in reply to Two Teks in a trench coat

OMG I feel like I had forgotten what hearing good news is like... this is good news.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

#Malware attacks against millions of #DockerHub repositories have been discovered. Assume all the content you host on a publicly accessible repository might be compromised.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

what the fuck lmao this can't be real, it's too good.


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in reply to Amber

yeah i genuinely can't tell because the company that lucas crespo claims to work at is one of those ai startup things that just reads like a scam genuinely can't tell. is this real is this make believe i am losing sanity ​:kekw:
in reply to Amber Mx. Worldwide :therian: reshared this.

I did a little bit more digging and no this is an ai techbro who utilizes these sort of ragebait posts to farm engagement for his ai startup company he works at. I was thinking that it had to be satire, and it sort of is but he genuinely thinks of himself as a visionary. his personal website is just showcasing a wide variety of art aligned work he has done. that alone isn't suspicious but considering previous posts regarding ai art, and employer being an ai marketing company startup...
actually disappointed me because I was hoping it'd be more like nanoraptor or another person who spends the time to make talented tech shitposts that look nice. i think it's all just a facade to boost marketing skills and resume padding. "Look at my twitter metrics, I have all these engagements" and showcasing various things. it's unfortunate because his posts are legitimately funny. I love these types of posts but considering the other things yea unfortunately i think this is the first and last time i make a post about this user

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

The United States is broken.

A friend of mine worked for a company for almost 20 years. He had an accident in November (fell off his roof). A horrible accident. He has a family. He’s a wonderful human being

Well, because we’re in fucking America his employer is not only able to but incentivized to fire him. 20 years? Later, asshole

So because this is how we bandage our broken system, here’s his Go Fund Me. Fuck this country.
@lisamelton can he get a boost?

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Say what you will about Tesla, but they were the only car company who said they both require a court-ordered warrant before sharing your vehicle's location data AND tell customers about demands for their data.

This finding comes from the office of Sen. Ron Wyden, which asked the association representing automakers how their members respond to law enforcement requests for location information collected from internet-connected cars and trucks.

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