Thought I lost my $1700 telephoto lens on a recent trip, but it was just in a plastic grocery bag…for some reason???
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Finally got to ride my #Yamaha Tenere 700 on gravel roads on Friday! Took it on the Mountain Loop Highway to reprise a photo from when I first started doing raw photo editing. While it's not perfect, I've come so far since then! :) #photography #photog #photo #motorcycle
(By the way, there was wildfire smoke in the area at the time, so any photos will be a little off in the colors.)
Some thoughts on the Tenere 700:
- It feels like a sail in the wind, but it's not quite as tippy as a dual-sport. It's not as "flickable" as a dual-sport at any speed, but it does feel more stable at low speeds if I "point" my legs down.
- The motor feels a little "sleepy" to me. It has decent torque down low, but I can feel it petering out over, say, 8000 RPM. For context, my CBR650R pulls harder the higher in the revs I go, which has become my preference.
- The gearing is super low, such that first on it is like second on a "normal" street bike. It makes sense when you consider what the bike is for.
- Aside from the wind, it's definitely more stable at speed than any of my street bikes thanks to the big wheels, which is perfect for touring and uneven surfaces.
- Since I'm tall, the wind buffeting at speed is pretty bad. I'm used to some, but when the whistling starts becoming prominant, it's not my favorite. I do have a bolt-on visor extension for the windshield on the way.
The bike is pretty good at what it does, but I'd definitely choose one of my other bikes for street riding.
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Found these cute old sheds (still in use!) in Woodland Park while exploring a new route with the knobby-ish gravel tires on my Soma Stanyan. (1)
Definitely getting better with the color calibration tool in #Darktable. Having the flexibility to pick any hue for the illuminant is very nice! :)
#photography #photog #photos #photo #mywork #Seattle #seabikes #cycling #bicycle #mastobikes #biketooter
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. @clover finally rode her scooter on the street! :O (1)
She's doing great in her #motorcycle journey so far. :D
#photography #photog #photos #photo #mywork
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A nice little spin over some familiar roads while I wait for Chinook Pass to open. This bike is so much fun! (Album (more photos)) #motorcycle
#photography #photog #photos #photo #mywork
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Some photos from when @clover and I went to Roozengaarde a few counties away from home to see the tulips. (Album (more photos))
I'm still working on my raw editing, so please bear with me. :)
#photography #photog #photos #photo #mywork
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Had a blast riding over Stevens Pass, Blewett Pass, and Snoqualmie Pass over the weekend! I finally became comfortable with counterleaning allowing me to put my CBR650R to good use on twisty roads, and the Corbin saddle with 2" extra height over the stock seat saved my knees and wrists. This bike is so much fun! (Album (more photos))
#motorcycle #photography #photog #photos #photo #mywork
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My first longer ride on the new bike! While I had a ton of fun, this ride also taught me that the bike really needs a higher seat to make my knees and wrists happy. The pain became unbearable at times. (Album (more photos))
Thankfully, I had ordered a custom taller seat a little while back and it wouldn't be long until it arrived.
#motorcycle #photography #photog #photos #photo #mywork
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Took my new CBR650R on a spin through the Cascade Foothills to see the new Oso Landslide Memorial. The memorial was cool, but riding at 40 MPH north of Monroe was honestly pretty boring! (Album (more photos))
#motorcycle #photography #photog #photos #photo #mywork
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. @clover and I stopped in Snohomish while running errands to get food, explore some shops, and get ethanol-free gas from the Snohomish Co-op. (8 photos attached here, 17 photos in the album)
While editing this, I discovered that the yellowish-white light filtering through the shades in the window adjacent to my monitor was messing with my color perception, even though I blocked out the lower half of the window as best I could. I ordered some blackout curtains to take care of it once and for all, but they won't be here for a while. :( In the meantime, I can only edit photos at night, after my eyes have been tired out from the day, so I won't be able to make much progress for now. #photography #photog #photo #photos
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Went on a little spin over Snoqualmie Pass, through Yakima Canyon, and back over Chinook Pass on the way to SoSo Cycles in "Tacoma" (really Fife). Riding my #Triumph Bonneville with the aftermarket scrambler bars really hammered home how awkward the bars were, so I wanted to talk to someone familiar with cafe racers and so on. Mark at the shop gave me some great suggestions and sent me on my way. (Album) #motorcycle #photography #photog #photo #photos #mywork
I was worried that Chinook Pass might be closed, and the lack of traffic heading east as I headed west didn't help. Thankfully, it ended up being open and not too busy.
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Neil E. Hodges likes this.
raw is difficult, unless you are trying to practice/modify a workflow the cost is high.
The best photos are the ones you view.
DSLRs and phones are so good now it really raised the bar for basic photo capture.
Neil E. Hodges likes this.
Fun times with #Darktable and #OpenCL. :( #photography #photog
Darktable is unable to use rocm, crashes X with rusticl
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Finally convinced @clover to ride with me after not having done so in what feels like years. I did a reprisal of a recent ride, albeit with a couple of added detours and without a stop in Coupeville or at Deception Pass. The weather was touch-and-go in places, but I feel like we had a good time. (And I'm sure the heated jacket helped her!) (Whidbey Island (2024-04-01), Album (51 photos), 9 photos attached) #photography #photog #photos #photo #motorcycle #mywork
(I've been riding nearly every weekend in March, but I've been spending time refining my photo editing skills.)
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Take care, have fun!
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My original plan for this ride was to have @clover along for it, but she wasn't feeling well and wanted to rest at home instead. I didn't feel like doing anything big since I hadn't made a backup plan, so I did a basic ride around south Puget Sound instead. (Kitsap Loop (2023-03-25), Album (12 photos), 6 photos attached) #photography #photog #photos #photo #motorcycle #mywork
(I've been riding nearly every weekend in March, but I've been spending time refining my photo editing skills.)
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The allure of Eastern Washington became too much, so I headed over there via Snoqualmie Pass (the least likely route for snow). Rather than sticking to the Interstate, I also checked out the old highway (US 10) east of Cle Elum, which was exactly the kind of riding I look for. Only when I hit Moses Lake did I turn back, after exploring the mid-century downtown. (Moses Lake (2023-03-18), Album (85 photos), 15 photos attached) #photography #photog #photos #photo #motorcycle #mywork
My #Triumph was plenty powerful enough to handle the nearly 100 MPH traffic speeds on I-90 in Eastern Washington, but the wind buffeting made me miss my Ninja.
(I've been riding nearly every weekend in March, but I've been spending time refining my photo editing skills.)
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Benedikt Bauer
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