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Would a larger sensor #camera improve clarity and contrast when shooting with a narrow aperture? #photography #photog
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Ahem, no.That is a resolution problem, same sensor size and "more megapixel" will lead to degration with apertures below f8 or f5.6.
My 10MP DX camera has an aperture of f13. Closing will lead to degration. My 45MP FX camera ... f8

But to be honest, do you see that? Something can be done against it in developing RAW pics.

in reply to dieter_wilhelm

Does that mean that RAW images prior to processing usually lack contrast, clarity, and color like this? The scene in person certainly didn't look this drab and blurry. #photography #photog
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Not really. Depends of atmospheric conditions, light, qualitiy of lens used.
Can be corrected (in a small way) when develop the raw. (In LRC reducing haze and add clarity makes corrections in WB and exposure sometimes needed.)
in reply to dieter_wilhelm

Needing to edit in post like that matches my experience, too. It just feels like the initial RAW shouldn't look quite that bad.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Yep.Usually it takes "big time" = 20-30 seconds.... Depends of what the camera is set to. A plethora o decisions... And most picture style caters JPEG files.