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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Waterfront Seattle to Open New Bike Lane As Soon as They Finish Sharpening Low Steel Fencing:

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Ballard Bridge Stuck, Halts Gentrification for 3 Hours:

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in reply to The Needling

I worked in Ballard from 1991 to 2000. It's unrecognizable to me now.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I remember saying this was a waste of money

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Wow, the idiocy of the SAE connector.

"Self-mating hermaphrodite", physically but not electrically. That puts a lot of trust in whoever installed it on your bike, especially if it's a second hand one.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Apparently #Intel CPUs have a history of cooking themselves. My #work iMac's Comet Lake CPU didn't even last 3 years before getting strange kernel panics, just like a coworker's Intel Mac Pro. :'( #Apple

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I've seen a lot of excitement about that @404mediaco piece on #FourThievesvinegarCollective's instructions for home synthesis of patented pharmaceuticals, and I get that everyone's excited that it's all cool and cyberpunk but what I feel is missing from the fediverse discussion is any consideration of safety.

#BioPiracy #BioHacking


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in reply to Jules

"He shows the crowd testing Four Thieves did to show that the pills they made are, chemically, the same as Sovaldi."

That's where I begin to get interested.

Given a known-good standard (and even better, standards for likely contaminants), a little chromatography can go a long way. It might not be enough, but it could be table stakes for winning, instead of still losing, but harder, faster, and by a different route.


in reply to like jam or bootlaces Sam Levine reshared this.

I wonder if Laufer has rooted that phone he uses.

Because "you can just make your own meds" has similar energy to "you can just root your device" and "you can just self-host" but more intense. Much more intense. And higher stakes.

My heart goes out to anyone driven to risk bricking their own body with this dude's firmware.


Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I won't take EVs seriously until battery tech allows for something as light and compact as the MX-5 to have decent range. :3

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I, for one, welcome our new cyborg mushroom overlords

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Cascade: ‘Vote NO on I-2117 if you love bikes and trails’

#Seattle #SEAbikes

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

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in reply to hexxy

There are at least 100 trained swordsfolk behind that account.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

They likely won't be any safer or cleaner if the theory holds true.

#futurepredictions #efficiency #JevonsParadox

What a 160-year-old theory about coal predicts about our self-driving future - The Verge

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

The Internet Archive Loses Its Appeal of a Major Copyright Case Next, all AI companies should also lose access to copyrighted books and art. Why are tech bros allowed to breach copyright? The law should be applied equally to all.

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in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Internet Archive - Now With AI!

It'd be a lie but that's the same as the "AI" companies so same difference.

in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Actually, copyright law should be stricter on commercial AI companies than on not-for-profit archives. Or even better, copyright should be abolished altogether.

in reply to Today I learned

Short version:
435 representatives is far too few, Founders wanted more representation, but without a clear guidance it grew too slowly and was eventually capped ~100 years ago, which has proven to have a bunch of negative effects. Uncapping is a relatively easy solution very few seem to be aware of. It would fix or at least dramatically improve some the broken democracy in the US - including gerrymandering, money buying elections, the electoral college.


in reply to Neil E. Hodges

the Disney rank and file are mostly gay people these days from what I cam tell, and there's tension between them and the execs. Hate Chicken inc. Will probably fire people for premarital sex

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Making plastic is the oil industry's exit strategy. Burning it creates incredible air pollution, and recycling it is sufficiently low-value that people burn it just to be rid of the stuff.

It's well past time to limit plastic manufacturing.

Click the link and register to bypass paywall. Don't click the preview.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Traffic deaths in the USA are far higher than in many other countries. *
😢 😡

Many crashes involve increasingly large SUVs like the Jeep Grand Cherokee, which countless studies show are statistically more likely to kill people on two wheels.

Most cyclists are killed on roads with no protected bikeways and high speed limits that virtually guarantee any collision will be lethal.


As you can see on the horrifying graph below, deaths in the USA are almost three times higher than in the next closest country shown.

* EDIT: My post originally said "deaths in the USA are much higher than anywhere else" but I revised that because, as some readers pointed out, not all areas of the world were included in the data used to create the graph.

#BikeTooter #WarOnCars #BanCars

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

No singing! Motorized Instant Gratification Convenience Culture just gets more ridiculous all the time.


Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to MotorizedVehicleHegemony

This is why I don't buy from Amazon, even if it means I pay twice as much for something.


Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

In Washington if you get a speeding ticket and contest it, saying you weren't driving, they dismiss the ticket, no questions asked.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Owen

And let's be honest. Speeding in a school zone isn't practically different than waving a gun around in public.
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in reply to Owen

Also school zones are way too small. Kids don't just materialize within a block of school when walking or biking. All speeding is waving a gun around.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

While it is true that switching to small electrical vehicles can be part of the solution for a few people in limited circumstances, the reality is that our path to a cleaner, healthier, happier future does NOT include a shiny new Tesla in every garage.

We need *fewer* cars on the road, not more cars (electric or not). And we must strongly encourage better solutions like walking, cycling, e-bikes, light rail, etc.

#WarOnCars #BanCars #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

The stupid are the people who bullied kids on the school bus. Today they are the people about to drive us all over a cliff.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

TIL: Cats can land on their feet thanks to their unique collarbone-less skeleton and flexible backbone, which allow them to rotate mid-air and reorient their bodies. This ability, known as the "righting reflex," is enhanced by their capacity to manipulate their moment of inertia during free-fall.
#til #todayilearned

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Cathay Pacific Grounds Its Airbus A350-1000s

For all those fans who think only #Boeing has issues with their aircraft these days:

Airbus is taking a turn on the negative-publicity rollercoaster. Cathay Pacific, the flagship carrier for Hong Kong, announced it has grounded its fleet of Airbus A350-1000s for inspection after finding faulty engine components in 15 of 18 aircraft. According to a report today (Sept. 3) in online outlet Channel News Asia, Cathay Pacific Flight CX383 took off from Hong Kong for Zurich, Switzerland, yesterday, but turned back after the failure of an unspecified component of one of its Rolls-Royce Trent XWB-97 engines. The twin-aisle Airbus landed safely 75 minutes after takeoff, following two holding circuits to burn fuel.

Reuters reported that a person familiar with the incident said the discrepancy involved a fuel nozzle. It is not clear whether the engine lost power. Cathay Pacific said in a statement that the flight was the “first of its type to suffer such failure on any A350 aircraft worldwide.”

#Airbus #Aviation #aircraft #airliner

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

This film about #degrowth was posted on the #BBC iplayer site at the beginning of August and I can't see evidence it has been broadcast.

It gives a pretty good overview, using the work of people in and around #Barcelona as the focus (which sadly might limit its appeal here).

It could be a good film to show at events as an introduction to discussion or briefings about degrowth.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

“We created a self-opening fridge with an AI camera that tracks what you put in and take out.”

Please for the love of any and all deities I am PROSTRATE on the floor begging you for fair energy prices and accessible public transport I do not need a fridge incorrectly guessing what is in my 17 Tupperware containers and refusing to open because I haven’t paid my monthly £24.99 subscription of “Fridge Door Lock Plus” :neofox_melt_sob: :neofox_melt_sob: :neofox_melt_sob:

in reply to Lukito Shannon Prickett reshared this.

Oh well thank fuck for that. Another one of humanity’s problems checked off.

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in reply to Lukito

There's a level of fanaticism with Big Tech cramming AI into everything, you'd almost think they are disconnected from humanity.
in reply to Lukito Urban Hermit reshared this.

And lo, the Singularity was achieved by technologists vanishing recursively up their own arseholes.
in reply to Lukito Urban Hermit reshared this.

Hard nope! 👎 Unnecessary and bloated gadgetry.
in reply to Lukito Urban Hermit reshared this.

I'm going to hang on to my old just-a-refigerator until it can no longer be duct-taped together. It will probably last as long as our destructive profiteering excuse for a civilisation.
in reply to sunflowerinrain Urban Hermit reshared this.

@sunflowerinrain Ours had an issue a couple of years ago and thank all the deities we were able to get it fixed because it was impossible to find anything new that wasn't awful. And the repair person told us some choice things about the new fridges too.

Was the same thing all over again when our washing machine went. All these "smart" features now that will certainly break and no way to make it do what I actually want. At least it isn't collecting all our data. Supposedly.


in reply to Lukito Urban Hermit reshared this.

I’d rather have the touchscreen panel removed and replaced with a whiteboard for lists, or a flat surface for magnets to stick important notices to get shit done. #DumbAppliances4Life
in reply to Lukito Urban Hermit reshared this.

To summarise the development of a lot of products on the market: these things have reached the end of their development line. Everything else coming after that are pure useless features that nobody needs.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Alabama is farming out incarcerated people to work at hundreds of companies, including McDonald’s & Wendy’s.

The state takes 40% of wages and often denies parole to keep people as cheap labor. Getting written up can lead to solitary confinement.

This is modern day slavery.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

this is... like there are organizations whose positions about AI so far have been pretty wild and self-sabotaging in a way that is hard to understand unless you appreciate how much money is swirling around and what kind of tenuous bubble it rests on; this feels like somebody took it to the next level and blew up their own organization instead of walking back such a stance

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I can only assume Google is trying to convince me to use Safari. Shame that I run Linux and Safari doesn’t work there, might be time to look at per-site user agent modifications!

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

LBT¹: fabulous. This graph is the exact opposite of so many of those “we’re committed to reducing carbon emissions by 2005, no 2010, no 2020, whoops no 2050” charts


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in reply to Neil E. Hodges

An efficient business would notice if you died

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Our DOT won't even bat an eye spending hundreds of millions to shave a few seconds off trips for private vehicles.

So of course that same department doesn't even think about, let alone measure, travel times or delay for modes other than private cars.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Owen

Treat me having to cross the street because the sidewalk is closed with the budget and urgency we give traffic light timing.
in reply to Owen

the more I bike around the city the more I just take the road now.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Anyone have examples of creative challenges that have gotten co-opted/enshittified by AI sponsorship this past year besides #NaNoWriMo and #GlobalGameJam?

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I've set a protogen trap, hopefully I'll get one this time ​:nko3c:

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I've been thinking about the word "enshittification" lately.

Using this term without the proper context lets greedy corporations off the hook.

This process of everything going to shit is not some inevitable force of nature. It's an entirely man-made and avoidable situation.

Let's call enshittification what it really is.

Enshittification is Wall Street. It's under-regulated capitalism. It's corporate greed. IT IS THEFT.

#EatTheRich #LateStageCapitalism

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