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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

The biggest problem with “AI” is probably that it’s used as label for two completely different things:

1. Specialized neural networks trained to do highly specific tasks (e.g. cancer screening) which often work reasonably well as a tool to support human experts

2. Generative AI which thoroughly produces the most mid bullshit

It doesn’t help that neither are intelligent in any way, they’re both statistical pattern matching.

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It's kind of wild how much mental clarity I get just by putting in earplugs. :P

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

With Firefox having AI added in the recent update. Here's how you can disable it.

  1. Open about:config in your browser.
  2. Accept the Warning it gives.
  3. Search and blank all values and set false where necessary as shown in the screenshot, anything that requires a numerical string can be set as 0 .

Once you restart you should no longer see the Grey-ed out checkbox checked, and the AI chatbot disabled from ever functioning.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.


The EU now generates more electricity from wind and solar than from fossil fuels.

Graph from Nat Bullard and data from Ember.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

TIL about Eternal September: How a 1993 AOL promotion led to year-round influxes of new users, a phenomenon that previously only occurred each September with new computer science students.
#til #todayilearned

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Today I learned

That description is wrong. Usenet was available to all students (and especially STEM students) - not just those studying computer science.
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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots: The feds seem to have him dead to rights. 😱

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in reply to nixCraft 🐧

should've just laundered money with real, but bad music instead.

#sarcasm #NotLegalAdvice #NotFinancialAdvice

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

#gripe Come on, LA Times. Has there ever been a case of decreasing competition which lowers prices? How about a monopoly?!?! #journalism
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in reply to AI6YR Ben

Weren't they prevented from buying the LA Daily News for similar reasons?

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

NEW STORY // Join for The Urbanist's RapidRide G Line Opening Celebration

via @urbanistorg // 🔗

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

People are angry at Gen Z taking photos of airport trays. Here’s what’s really going on

No sooner have airports introduced new scanning machines so you don’t need to unpack your carry-on bags, than a trend emerges where you photograph all your loose items in your airport security tray.

The “airport tray aesthetic” has taken off on TikTok, Instagram and Pinterest as people share artfully arranged shots of their sunglasses, shoes, toiletries and reading material inside the regulation polypropylene dishes.

Don’t expect crumpled plastic bags stuffed with toothpaste and Pepto-Bismol. This is aspirational travel, where your 35mm film camera nestles between your vintage loafers and your first-edition copy of “On the Road.”

#CNN #News #travel #GenZ #airport #airline #flight #aviation

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

i love it. anything that fucks with this security theatre bullshit is fine by me.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

People are wildly clueless about their own financial situations. If I'm ever in an article highlighting financial challenges when my income is six figures, someone needs to smack me.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Owen

The 80th percentile for *household* income (more than one earner) in Seattle is $139k. If you're struggling making $142k it's not a Seattle COL problem.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Owen

I don't disagree, but it's always good to remember COL can be drastically different too. People that bought houses years ago or inherited them can get by on much less income.
in reply to Elliot

@elliots Of course.

I'm noting that this article -- and many individuals like the one highlighted in the article -- conflate personal choices with system problems.

Yeah, obviously housing costs are way too high. But I have zero confidence this person making $142k doesn't end up with the same problem if housing costs were halved because they seem unable to make reasonable financial decisions to live within their means.

in reply to Owen

@elliots I highlight this because the people who need to be paying more taxes so we can subsidize childcare and housing, are the people like the first guy in this article.

We aren't getting a world class welfare state by only taxing the 1%. The upper middle class have to be the biggest contributors.

in reply to Owen

For that guy, I think it can also be hard for a lot of people to deal psychologically with a decline in financial circumstances, even if it's from very very good to very good. But obviously he wouldn't inspire much sympathy from the others in the article
in reply to Elliot

@elliots This is true. And I'm sure a divorce complicates the psychological challenge even more.
in reply to Owen

After the refinance, 40% of that guy's income is going to housing, which does make things hard. That guy is a lot closer to being homeless than to being a millionaire, and hopefully at this point he realizes it if he didn't before

Anyone else really like major key conversions of songs that were originally in a minor key? :3 #music

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Me: *Watching British TV*
Me: I think America is at that point where you realize you are becoming just like your parents...

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Blame capitalism: It is a barrier to a renewable energy future.

#capitalism #neoliberalism #classwar #economics #bosses #workers #humanrights #environment #war

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Evacuations ordered as wildfire burns in foothills of national forest east of LA

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Abi reshared this.

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in reply to Neil E. Hodges


meme captioned "I don't have two wolves inside me. I have these guys"

drawing of a person's head with a cutaway showing the brain space inside where six badgers frolic among large mushrooms.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Is there any furry themed games other than Dust that's worth playing?

#furry #gaming #furrygames

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Artist captures B.C.'s clear cutting, climate change in Coquitlam photo show - Vancouver Is Awesome

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

"Popular restaurant in Midtown Toronto only wants delivery drivers in cars"

submitted by u/Franky_DD

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.


The End Of America

Pass it on.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Dear People Who Give Amz Reviews

Please be aware that when you give a book a 1 star review, that book is send backward in the listings in Amazon search. This means the book someone has spend months (if not years) writing, will probably never sell another copy. That's right, you have condemned their book to purgatory. Being fair, if the book is a piece of garbage, then rightly so, give it 1 star.

But if your book comes damaged in shipping,
That's so unfair the author of the book. The author has no control over the shipping of their books.
Instead please contact Amazon themselves and request a replacement.

Why am I posting this? Because I got one of those today on one of my books ... there goes what little sales I have these days. Very frustrating.

Anyway, thanks for listening ...

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Fun fact: the Pacific/Mountain time zone boundary doesn't follow the state lines between Washington/Oregon and Idaho.

Northern Idaho is in Pacific time for convenience doing business with Spokane, while some of eastern Oregon is in Mountain time for proximity to Boise.

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Middleweight ADV bikes are competent off pavement, but uninspiring on pavement. #motorcycle
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

My Multistrada 950 is quite competent on road, but definitely gives up something off road when compared to a Tenere, Tuareg, or DesertX.
I’ve heard the DesertX doesn’t really compromise, but I’ve not tried one myself.
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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I just saw cancer described as multicellular cells reverting to unicellular cells, and it's kind of a compelling way to put it.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Are you sick and tired of websites, especially technical ones that have complicated commands or code snippets, preventing you from copy/paste? Here's a fix that website owners HATE!

Open Firefox (because you shouldn't be using anything else), and in the Awesomebar, type in "about:config" and press enter. Accept the warning. Search for the option "dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled" and set that sucker to FALSE.

Take back the web!

#Firefox #CopyPasteDisabled #TakeBackTheWeb

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

TIL the word Germandering was created by combing the words Gerry and salamander
#til #todayilearned

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Today I learned

It's "Gerrymandering you doorknob"
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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Still one of my favorite memes.
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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

This sounds heavenly. "After they deliver wine and spirits from France to the U.S., the ships will travel to South America to pick up coffee to take back to Europe. Six more vessels are on order...."

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The sad state of the #Washington State Ferries discourages me from crossing Puget Sound. :(

in reply to Today I learned

True story. Ceaușescu bulldozed the Norh-Coreean ideology in Romania. He was so good at it, that there are still people who believe he was a great leader. His cult of personality outlives him in some less educated people.