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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

the other day i walked past some school, you know those expensive schools for expensive parents to pay for expensive education for their expensive children. all the children were running round outside the school, and the parents were showing up to collect them, and all the parents were driving these gigantic cars, cars the size of freight trains. every one of these cars had menacing eyes, and a radiator grill, level with your chin, snarling, like a great terror monster designed to kill children

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Revealing that the same people so eager to believe the laughable lie that immigrants are eating pets don’t feel the same threat from the many true stories of police executing pets.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

“Ford Motor Company is seeking a patent for technology that would allow it to tailor in-car advertising by listening to conversations among vehicle occupants, as well as by analyzing a car’s historical location and other data, according to a patent application published late last month.”

Don’t buy Ford cars.

in reply to 😀🚲

@enobacon @greenpepper22
e-bikes is the best answer although those are not exactly FOSS either, although RMS would say they are like microwave ovens (the s/w is embedded and not updatable, so it’s not important to be free s/w).

A muscle bike avoids non-free s/w for sure.

But if you must have a car, why must it be new? Cars that people in well developed countries consider junkers get shipped to Africa, where the average age of a car at purchase time is ~21 years old. They maintain them forever.

Recall when Intel and AMD started putting an M.E. in their chips (#spychips, 2008 & 2013 respectively). I’m still using a CPU from 2008 because of that.

in reply to bojkotiMalbona

@bojkotiMalbona @greenpepper22 not all e-bikes are proprietary, and the DIY path is much more accessible than converting an old car to electric. Sadly not all of the DIY controllers are open but at least not even the mass market e-bikes are listening devices doing ads like this yet.
in reply to bojkotiMalbona

@bojkotiMalbona @enobacon oh I don’t think me or anyone in my family has ever bought a new car before, but the stuff they’re making today is gunna be the cheap old cars of 20 years from now

Also I believe motorcycles are way more dangerous to be in vs cars especially for highway driving, so I’d really like to avoid motorcycles for that reason. If I’m staying within a city I prefer the bus to everything else already so not worried about short trips so much.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

🪐 We've been on Mastodon for many years, but I'm gonna go ahead and post this old Xenia drawing anyways, in case any of our followers from Cohost are checking these tags

#hicohost #artistsoncohost #cohost #heycohost

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Now that we've mastered the fine art of taking it easy on the poor drivers who just need to buy (lease) a brand new gas SUV and drive it everywhere while half of all car trips remains below three miles, can we move on to the vital other part where we hold leadership accountable for the infrastructure that makes everyone think they have to drive? #BanCars #ClimateAction #oil #CarSupremacy

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams, who has been pushing a mask ban for NYC, has again tested positive for COVID.

A timely reminder that now is a good time to wear a mask, and to call your representatives and tell them to speak out against mask bans.


in reply to Dr. Lucky Tran :verified:

Good for him! I hope it's such a miserable experience for him that he stops trying to ban masks and pretend that covid is "over".

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

"This is more than mildly infuriating. That fence is especially maddening although it's all bad."

submitted by u/space-mango-tasty

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Fuck Cars Bot 🤖

also the mailboxes on the sidewalk 🤦‍♂️ I don't think you can use a pushchair here.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

i can't believe it took me 10 years to find out that Transport Tycoon got a full live jazz orchestral remaster of its midi soundtrack 🤯

and it sounds GREAT. john broomhall and his "TT band" knock every piece out of the park

#retroGaming #music #ost #dosgaming

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Nathan Taylor

@nathan yup it's a fantastic soundtrack. even the OPL2 fm synth version sounds good to this day

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

What if Sun Microsystems released a Zune digital media player?

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in reply to CandyK

The conservative message in America: "Everyone is on their own, even when they are failing and pleading for help. It is okay to judge them badly without understanding and do nothing. After all, if you try to help, to make any change at all, you will be next and we will watch you lose everything too."

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in reply to Urban Hermit Urban Hermit reshared this.

@Urban_Hermit You are right, as long as they have all the money and power they don't care about you. You're just something they scrape off their shoe. That's how they see the rest of us. They need a reality check. They need to understand that the world doesn't revolve around them. But they will never change. So it is more important than ever that everyone stands together to get them out of the way of progress and what is good and just for us all. They are scum plain and simple.

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

life is *a lot*, even when things are going well - its pretty normal to feel overwhelmed. take it one day, one hour, one minute at a time, however you need. 💚
in reply to Abi

Why did we as a society make things so complicated? :(

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

"By introducing chatbots that are known to hallucinate, confuse jokes for facts, or randomly add incorrect information, police tech like #DraftOne could be used to legitimize wrongful arrests, reinforce police suspicions, mislead courts, or even cover up police abuse".

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

There's something seriously wrong with a justice system that criminalizes climate activism: Green co-leader’s anger over climate protesters getting longer in prison than rapists #ClimateJustice #FreedomofSpeech #civlliberties #ClimateCrisis

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Nothing will happen...without holding the makers criminally liable.


Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Who the actual fuck was buying all the NFTs? Some berk made 3.5 million dollars in a weekend selling his digital art despite not previously being an artist then sold a record breaking piece for 70 million dollars!! That. Is. Bananas. I'm not an artist. I can call myself a street art name like Beeple. I'm...... Benple. And I am a digital artist (now). I call this piece...... Duck rabbit. Now who will start the bidding at one hundred thousand pounds.....

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in reply to Kevin Karhan :verified:

@kkarhan @Susan_Larson_TN

It's fine. No need to apologise! I'm really comfortable explaining when I'm being silly, and understand not everyone will recognise it. 😊

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

The biggest problem with “AI” is probably that it’s used as label for two completely different things:

1. Specialized neural networks trained to do highly specific tasks (e.g. cancer screening) which often work reasonably well as a tool to support human experts

2. Generative AI which thoroughly produces the most mid bullshit

It doesn’t help that neither are intelligent in any way, they’re both statistical pattern matching.

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It's kind of wild how much mental clarity I get just by putting in earplugs. :P

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

With Firefox having AI added in the recent update. Here's how you can disable it.

  1. Open about:config in your browser.
  2. Accept the Warning it gives.
  3. Search and blank all values and set false where necessary as shown in the screenshot, anything that requires a numerical string can be set as 0 .

Once you restart you should no longer see the Grey-ed out checkbox checked, and the AI chatbot disabled from ever functioning.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.


The EU now generates more electricity from wind and solar than from fossil fuels.

Graph from Nat Bullard and data from Ember.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

TIL about Eternal September: How a 1993 AOL promotion led to year-round influxes of new users, a phenomenon that previously only occurred each September with new computer science students.
#til #todayilearned

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Today I learned

That description is wrong. Usenet was available to all students (and especially STEM students) - not just those studying computer science.
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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots: The feds seem to have him dead to rights. 😱

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in reply to nixCraft 🐧

should've just laundered money with real, but bad music instead.

#sarcasm #NotLegalAdvice #NotFinancialAdvice

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

#gripe Come on, LA Times. Has there ever been a case of decreasing competition which lowers prices? How about a monopoly?!?! #journalism
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in reply to AI6YR Ben

Weren't they prevented from buying the LA Daily News for similar reasons?

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

NEW STORY // Join for The Urbanist's RapidRide G Line Opening Celebration

via @urbanistorg // 🔗

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

People are angry at Gen Z taking photos of airport trays. Here’s what’s really going on

No sooner have airports introduced new scanning machines so you don’t need to unpack your carry-on bags, than a trend emerges where you photograph all your loose items in your airport security tray.

The “airport tray aesthetic” has taken off on TikTok, Instagram and Pinterest as people share artfully arranged shots of their sunglasses, shoes, toiletries and reading material inside the regulation polypropylene dishes.

Don’t expect crumpled plastic bags stuffed with toothpaste and Pepto-Bismol. This is aspirational travel, where your 35mm film camera nestles between your vintage loafers and your first-edition copy of “On the Road.”

#CNN #News #travel #GenZ #airport #airline #flight #aviation

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

i love it. anything that fucks with this security theatre bullshit is fine by me.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

People are wildly clueless about their own financial situations. If I'm ever in an article highlighting financial challenges when my income is six figures, someone needs to smack me.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Owen

The 80th percentile for *household* income (more than one earner) in Seattle is $139k. If you're struggling making $142k it's not a Seattle COL problem.
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in reply to Owen

I don't disagree, but it's always good to remember COL can be drastically different too. People that bought houses years ago or inherited them can get by on much less income.
in reply to Elliot

@elliots Of course.

I'm noting that this article -- and many individuals like the one highlighted in the article -- conflate personal choices with system problems.

Yeah, obviously housing costs are way too high. But I have zero confidence this person making $142k doesn't end up with the same problem if housing costs were halved because they seem unable to make reasonable financial decisions to live within their means.

in reply to Owen

@elliots I highlight this because the people who need to be paying more taxes so we can subsidize childcare and housing, are the people like the first guy in this article.

We aren't getting a world class welfare state by only taxing the 1%. The upper middle class have to be the biggest contributors.

in reply to Owen

For that guy, I think it can also be hard for a lot of people to deal psychologically with a decline in financial circumstances, even if it's from very very good to very good. But obviously he wouldn't inspire much sympathy from the others in the article
in reply to Elliot

@elliots This is true. And I'm sure a divorce complicates the psychological challenge even more.
in reply to Owen

After the refinance, 40% of that guy's income is going to housing, which does make things hard. That guy is a lot closer to being homeless than to being a millionaire, and hopefully at this point he realizes it if he didn't before

Anyone else really like major key conversions of songs that were originally in a minor key? :3 #music

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Me: *Watching British TV*
Me: I think America is at that point where you realize you are becoming just like your parents...

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Blame capitalism: It is a barrier to a renewable energy future.

#capitalism #neoliberalism #classwar #economics #bosses #workers #humanrights #environment #war

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