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in reply to Neil E. Hodges

An efficient business would notice if you died

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Our DOT won't even bat an eye spending hundreds of millions to shave a few seconds off trips for private vehicles.

So of course that same department doesn't even think about, let alone measure, travel times or delay for modes other than private cars.

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Owen

Treat me having to cross the street because the sidewalk is closed with the budget and urgency we give traffic light timing.
in reply to Owen

the more I bike around the city the more I just take the road now.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Anyone have examples of creative challenges that have gotten co-opted/enshittified by AI sponsorship this past year besides #NaNoWriMo and #GlobalGameJam?

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I've set a protogen trap, hopefully I'll get one this time ​:nko3c:

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I've been thinking about the word "enshittification" lately.

Using this term without the proper context lets greedy corporations off the hook.

This process of everything going to shit is not some inevitable force of nature. It's an entirely man-made and avoidable situation.

Let's call enshittification what it really is.

Enshittification is Wall Street. It's under-regulated capitalism. It's corporate greed. IT IS THEFT.

#EatTheRich #LateStageCapitalism

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Is it possible to mount sftp into the filesystem as one does with NFS? I'd like to load geotagged photos into JOSM from a different computer.

#Linux #SFTP #JOSM #OpenStreetMap

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Baloo Uriza

Glad to see your learning curve is so fast, and that so many people are answering with so many alternatives.

As you can see, the #opened #Linux world is a myriad of wonders.

Welcome in wonderland!

Don't forget to try to find the KISS at the end of the day (Keep it simple), and as many of us, you'll live a long love story, YOUR story.


in reply to Wyat 🐯 🙈 🙉 🙊

@wyat I'm confused as to what this is in response to since I've been using Debian since 1997 and OpenStreetMap since 2008.
in reply to Baloo Uriza

Oops, so good news:

  1. your love story has lasted all these years yet,
  2. as said, it's yours: many have discovered and used sshfs, nfs, sftp, fuse & all far sooner, others will never have to.



in reply to Wyat 🐯 🙈 🙉 🙊

@wyat Yeah, I gave up on CIFS/SMB as untenable even with Windows clients years ago and just haven't really played with fuse much.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

If your company’s product can only exist by stealing, then you have no product.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Giant viruses as reservoirs of antibiotic resistance genes

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Content warning: anxious NaNoWriMo-related legal mumbling, hoping it doesn't come true

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

There's an infosec influencer who put out an IPv6 hit piece. In the ensuing discussion, I've learned a surprising number of networking and infosec professionals have no idea that:
* v4 firewalls exist
* v4 firewalls have used default deny with established and related allowed for decades
* Those v4 firewalls are also used with NAT
* NAT is only adding an address rewrite _after_ being accepted by the WAN-to-local firewall rules
* v6 firewalls have existed for decades
* stateful firewalls only start keeping state for a session once the initial traffic makes it past the firewall. A port scan from many IPs does not explode the state table.

#infosec #netsec #ipv6

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in reply to Rick Altherr Shannon Prickett reshared this.

I’ve also encountered networking professionals who appear unaware that IPv4 firewalls with default deny exist (“you’re using globally unique IPs internally, that means anyone on the Internet can connect directly to your internal systems” 🤯)

There are entire generations (plural 😬) of network / security professionals who don’t seem to have encountered a World Without NAT. And see NAT as an Important Security Feature, rather than an “OMG so out of addresses” kludge 😢

in reply to Ewen McNeill Shannon Prickett reshared this.

(You can tell I'm not IPV6 saavy :P. Also a follow up to my earlier q here:

Why _do_ you need "IPv4 firewalls with default deny"? Default deny sounds useful for IPv6 _precisely_ because no IPv6 NAT means addresses are exposed unless a firewall drops connections.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Ways you can tell if an American has won the lottery...

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

This is fine:

“…as climate change makes heat waves more frequent, intense and long-lasting, experts say the increasingly severe conditions are testing some iconic desert plants known for their resilience — including saguaro cacti and agave.”

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Yet another story of "build a safe cycle lane, and people will use it." It's time to ditch paint-only "bike lanes" and start using real protection for people cycling.

#BikeTooter #SafeStreets #VisionZero

in reply to Daigoro Toyama :cargo:

buffer with plastic post + green paint??? There's got to be more to it than that, like maybe you don't have to share with right turning truck drivers at every intersection and it doesn't end in 3.5 blocks?
in reply to 😀🚲

a half-mile section, they say? I had to "share" the spare car lane on a state highway for 1.2 miles each way today (BH-Hwy west of the Multnomah county line) besides the places where the painted bike gutter was unusable with broken glass etc. And there's still a couple miles beyond that with 5 car lanes where they ran out of room for bikes.
in reply to 😀🚲

@enobacon In North America, that's a pretty standard PBL configuration. No, that's not very safe - at least not nearly as safe as real concrete barriers or heavy planters. The fact that this cycle lane upgrade in Cambridge has drawn so many more people to use it, tells you how horrible the baseline is here.
in reply to Daigoro Toyama :cargo: 😀🚲 reshared this.

@enobacon I think it's actually showing how close Cambridge is to having a real network. This short section was a major missing link to the network and opened up a bunch of routes for people at either end.

Also, unlike much of the US, Cambridge just doesn't have crazy wide roads. Our widest roads are 2 lanes in each direction.

in reply to DemonHusky

@DemonHusky I have to imagine the whole process would be easier if they scrapped together a skeleton of network and then refined it once there was ridership / political will for permanent infrastructure everywhere, which probably involves a critical mass of plastic posts, maybe they're getting there
in reply to 😀🚲

@enobacon that is basically what is happening. We have a city law requiring most of the major streets to have separated bike lanes installed by '26 (though some of the last streets got their finish date delayed to '27 this year).
in reply to DemonHusky

@DemonHusky @enobacon Yeah, a lot of Cambridge's PBLs are actually proper raised pavement. It's really nice, I'm jealous every time I visit.
in reply to Daigoro Toyama :cargo:

separated lanes, and then hey you could have the lanes move even further away from the cars, and then hey why not have the lanes go their own route?

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

the neat thing about the classism behind our transportation system, is you can borrow money to try to better protect your family from the ruling class using traffic Engineers to scare you into cars

The Economist has published a deeply-researched story about car bloat -- and it's very, very damning.

"For every life that the heaviest 1% of SUVs and trucks save, there are more than a dozen lives lost in other vehicles."

Well worth your time:

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in reply to 😀🚲

And every part of it counts as economic growth, from hiring traffic engineers to buying modeling software for them to building/expanding the highways to building & selling the monster trucks to insuring them to repairing them when they crash to the profits the healthcare system makes from treating all the crash victims to selling gravestones for the less lucky ones. Even victim-blaming “safety” pr campaigns create jobs!

Seeing Ian struggle with how the bike so readily stalls under power reminds me why I got rid of it. :( #motorcycle

I don't understand how #Honda can sell it in this state. >:(

I Took a Stock Honda CRF450RL Enduro Riding - It Didn't Go Well (EP.3)

The Honda CRF450RL is a nice dual sport for some highway, fire roads, and desert terrain. It has a fatal flaw - stalling - for enduro type riding or singletrack. Where is my KTM, Husqvarna or Beta when I need one - those bikes are so much better for true enduro riding.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

My KTM 500 EXC-F (2023) suffered the same until I replaced the ECU with an aftermarket. Think the emission standards are making it hard to tune correctly.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

For every life that the heaviest 1% of SUVs and trucks save, there are more than a dozen lives lost in other vehicles.

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in reply to The War on Cars

I hate the headline though. It's not a love affair, it's a hostage situation. Car dealerships refuse to order and stock anything but SUVs and trucks, so that's all that sells, so that's all the manufacturers will make.

You have to jump through a lot of hoops to buy a sedan at this point.

Meanwhile, I rode for several miles on the shoulder of I-90 with a conglomeration of several unrelated groups of riders to get around one of the worst traffic jams I've seen, and nobody batted an eye. :P #motorcycle

Also, there was a husk of a burned-out car on the freeway near Snoqualmie Pass. :(

Got my first speeding ticket this morning. 🙃 #motorcycle

I was doing 75 on a 55 MPH freeway and got caught by a speed trap. Gotta love holidays. 😢

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Have seen this article doing the rounds.

This point is absolutely nailed

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I did it.

I wrote an inspirational post about taking candy from a baby.

Then I posted it on r/Entrepreneur.

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Got my first speeding ticket this morning. 🙃 #motorcycle

I was doing 75 on a 55 MPH freeway and got caught by a speed trap. Gotta love holidays. 😢

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Climate Change Can Cause Bridges to ‘Fall Apart Like Tinkertoys,’ Experts Say
Extreme heat and flooding are accelerating the deterioration of bridges, engineers say, posting a quiet but growing threat. #Infrastructure #Bridges #ClimateChange

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

It's Labor Day in the USA, a "holiday" in which most people get the day off from work — except, that is, for many of the poorest people who do much of the actual hard work and labor that keeps everything going while being paid the minimum wage or even less. 😡

#USA #Capitalism #Inequality

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

One final thought for the USA's Labor Day...

"Stealing food is against the law.
But letting someone starve to death
while you own an entire warehouse
full of food is completely legal."

#USA #Labor #LaborDay #Politics #Capitalism #Inequality

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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Minimal playing window size in a few DOS first person shooters:

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in reply to Anatoly Shashkin💾

Actual sizes:
Wolfenstein 3D - 64x32
DOOM - 96x48
Duke Nukem 3D - 96x54
Rise of the Triad - 80x48
in reply to Anatoly Shashkin💾

I miss this era of stupid. It makes what I do (porting them to bad systems) much easier!

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

"E-cars don't solve all the issues (image credit: The Lab of Thought)"

submitted by u/GarlicThread

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in reply to Fuck Cars Bot 🤖

I really like this image, but it technically doesn't show how much space is required to _move_ people, but to _store_ them when "parked".

69 people don't walk in such a packed group. Same for 69 cars, they can't drive while touching bumpers, or for bikes.

The only image that is representative is the bus.

in reply to J. L. Westover

you could have had both of them saying "their lines" in the last panel. It would've been a risqué funny.

Just a thought.
Maybe when you do a "vacation" series of posts, and this gets thrown into that mix.

in reply to J. L. Westover

what I always wanted to know: who’s bringing or placing these random tubs on beaches and docks?

Are they naked in there? Is it just empty in there too? Or did they cork up the tub and somehow fill it with water too?
Is the tub to hide their massive boner you’d see if they were laying back on a chair?

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

"Why don’t historic bridges accommodate monster trucks?"

submitted by u/Jaded-Revolution_

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in reply to Fuck Cars Bot 🤖

Evolution deadlock: when you grow bigger to avoid to be a prey, but your environment can't sustain you anymore.

Until they fork on a light-and-robust approach, these vehicles will be slowly cornered by crumbling public roads into gated communities, then will die of inbreeding and maintenance costs.

Same old story, remember dinosaurs...

in reply to Fuck Cars Bot 🤖


Ford f-250s have done more damage to historical monuments than any antifa protestor.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Well, #NaNoWriMo is ruined now. Because WTF is this nonsense?

STOP MINIMIZING AND INFANTALIZING THE DISABLED. In case you didn't know it, NaNoWriMo, we kind of hate that.


P.S. On the classism, that is unhinged in its detachment. For real, have they never met poor and working class writers and artists? We're MORE likely to work together.

#Writing #Writers #Disabled #Disability #Prejudice #Ableism #AI #Propaganda

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in reply to Thought Punks

wtf? we have lots of writing workshops available in my city. They are all free and usually meet at the local libraries. They are specifically made to help writers get feedback from other people.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Meanwhile in America, migrant workers are exposed to dangerous (fatal) working conditions... the violence of America takes many forms; not all deaths are the result of gun ownership - some are due both to the use & exploitation of migrant workers and the lax/non-existent safety regimes for the workplace...

Each time a European politician looks to America as a model for economic development, these are the sorts of stories they should actually be acknowledging!


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Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

For all y’all international people who think it would be super to have privatized American healthcare, I introduce you to the day you change jobs or your job chooses to change your Insurance agency - and you get a peppy email telling you how it’s time to find all new doctors today and rebuild an entire care team immediately from scratch. Cheers!

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in reply to Lesley Carhart :unverified:

And if you don't have a job, ha ha ha oh don't be silly obviously everyone in America has a job ha ha ha ha

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

This is new, extremely dangerous territory.

A private company (for whatever reason, right or wrong) is defying the laws of a country in which it operates, by virtue of its control of a service within that country.

Imagine if a foreign national owned your water utility and refused to abide by the water-quality laws of the US.

in reply to Peter Gleick Urban Hermit reshared this.

I was appalled as to how the NYT article is like PR piece for Musk. There are no Starlink connections in schools. Mostly big AG uses it because there is no internet in rural areas. Also, the army. Not surprising that Bolsonaro made those deals with Elon in 2022. It’s super expensive - comes with a hefty customs fee for regular citizens. The NYT made it seem like Starlink was taking indigenous people out of the dark ages, but here’s their major clients: illegal gold mining in Yanomami territory - a priority under Bolsonaro’s regime:

Unknown parent Urban Hermit reshared this.

@macronencer @Urban_Hermit Starlink is a celestial Mount Rushmore - a constant reminder of our lack of agency in the face of billionaire hubris.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

IMPORTANT: Check your voter registrations ASAP!

in reply to Today I learned

Yep, the Russian pilot let his son have a go at the controls. Not very wise.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

i just went down this massive rabbit hole and came across a certified AMD moment i am reasonably sure amdgpu is responsible for controlling the CPU clock speeds on the deck

oh man this is really annoying

steamos seems to ignore any request to change the scaling governor meaning im gonna have to get into the weeds to figure out what the hell is going on with the power management

f u n

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Dark

i may work on a decky plugin for this later but i figured out how to get it to behave