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Personal growth is hard when you leave no room (time) for it.

Today's PM2.5 map. :'(

I went on a bicycle ride yesterday when it was in the 40 range and felt like I had a cold by the time I went to bed. Today with the windows open (no real choice), it feels like I’m having a bad allergy day. x.x #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #Seattle

Unknown parent

Neil E. Hodges
I've tried wearing a respirator mask with valves, etc., and I can't get enough oxygen for the rigorous riding I do. :(

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Found these cute old sheds (still in use!) in Woodland Park while exploring a new route with the knobby-ish gravel tires on my Soma Stanyan. (1)

Definitely getting better with the color calibration tool in #Darktable. Having the flexibility to pick any hue for the illuminant is very nice! :)

#photography #photog #photos #photo #mywork #Seattle #seabikes #cycling #bicycle #mastobikes #biketooter

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. @clover and I were riding down a hill and slowed to let a pedestrian cross at a marked crosswalk, and were "rewarded" with an angry honk and close pass from a Tesla that was behind us.

I guess some drivers either are in their own little world or don't care about people crossing the street. :/

#cycling #bicycle #seabikes #Seattle

The bike lane on NW 8th Avenue in #Seattle freaks me the fuck out. 😱 #cycling #bicycle #seabikes
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

I always love this little bridge across Ravenna Park and usually try to make it part of the somewhat longer version of my usual loop. (1)

#cycling #bicycle #mastobikes #biketooter #seabikes #seattle

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

@BalooUriza i don’t understand why SDOT isn’t ticketing these businesses

Cy reshared this.

in reply to Ariadne Conill 🐰:therian:

@ariadne Might be something to ask em until you get an answer.

Why yes, I'm pretty sure Tulsa311 is sick of me.

First time we've gone riding together since before the pandemic! @clover has been suffering from asthma for a long time and it has hindered her #cycling, until now! #ebike (1)

#bicycle #seabikes #Seattle #mastobikes #biketooter

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I liked the other post because it was a nice bike post, but it wasn't from someone I thought I knew. And then this popped up and I went "didn't I just like that photo?". Anyway, sounds like you two had a great day!

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Really glad it's not too different from a "normal" bike in terms of looks and parts. Feel a whole lot better buying from an established brand (even an evil one like Specialized) rather than one of those companies that was formed to capitalize on the e-bike trend.
Unknown parent

Neil E. Hodges

Yep. There's a port on the side of the downtube.

To get to the battery, you need to pull the motor out. Definitely a good thing that we store our bikes in our home. :)

Lewis Wall reshared this.

Had a great time on this month's Swift Industries Social Ride! There were almost 40 of us on this ride since we all wanted to enjoy the nice weather after so much gloomy rain. The pace was nice because we were able to chat most of the time, but we also were given free reign to climb and descend more significant hills at our own pace. (Album)

Hoping to do more social rides this Summer since I think it's what I really need out of my hobbies (both bicycle and motorcycle riding) now.

#cycling #bicycle #seabikes #Seattle #mastobikes #biketooter

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in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Nothing brings me as much joy as being outside on two wheels. #cycling #bicycle #motorcycle

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stefani banerian reshared this.

After over ten wonderful (and challenging!) years, G&O Family Cyclery is shutting down.

Over the years our cost of doing business and the cost of living in our city have only gone up. We have aspired to provide living, professional wages to highly skilled tradespeople. I firmly believe that high wages and more opportunities and entry level positions for more diverse types of mechanics and salespeople are the keys to revising the bike retail model and replacing the exclusive and gatekeeping culture of bike shops and at the same time provide service that is more reliable and better value than riders are typically able to depend on.

After years of skirting the edge, depending on tightening margins, and digging for good luck in heaps of bad, we have hit a string of the bad kind; the reality that we cannot support ourselves and at the same time do this work in the manner that we most want has become undeniable.

It is a true thing to say that if your business can’t afford to pay fair wages, your business has no business doing business.

The shop’s closure is happening faster than we would have liked, and the livelihoods of my staff and myself are all at risk, as is our ability to meet all of the obligations we have to our customers. We will be closed for the next few days to organize ourselves, and then in the next few weeks, starting on Wednesday the 17th, we hope that you’ll consider coming in and picking up anything you might need from our shop. We have many high-quality ebikes for sale, as well as accessories like lights and helmets. We have bags of Lego for sale on a sliding scale from $5-500. We have all kinds of lovely things, and any support would be greatly appreciated.

#cycling #bicycle #seabikes #biketooter #mastobikes #Seattle

Started on a #bicycle ride today, but turned back when the frigid, gusty, and snow-laden wind slapped me around enough. #Seattle #cycling #wawx #seabikes #wasnow

Bill Sharpe Gadfly reshared this.

I was so starving after starting my #bicycle ride today that I was shaking, so I stopped by the first cafe I could find. They only had sweet pastries, so I ended up getting a small, plain baguette…and eating the entire thing! #cycling #Seabikes #mastobikes #biketooter

Unknown parent

Neil E. Hodges

That's true.

My daily ride involves a lot of hill climbing, so the excess body heat builds up even faster. :( Need to take a break to let it dissipate, albeit slowly without the wind from riding on the level.

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Do y'all have AC in the places you are riding to? Are the roads black-top? Are you dressed for it? I'm genuinely curious because, while I wouldn't consider lo '90s as dangerous, my city is set up for routinely higher temps, and my wardrobe also.

Heat is dangerous. Take care and hydrate early, hydrate often, and stay hydrated.


Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Pretty steep for a signed #bicycle route! #cycling #seabikes #mastobikes
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

Skipping today's ride because I need a break from the heat+humidity, there's a lot of smoke outside, and I have some things I need to take care of at home. #cycling #bicycle #seabikes

First ride in a week due to whatever respiratory illness that was. I couldn't go 100% without feeling sick due to slightly reduced lung capacity, but it wasn't nearly as bad as post-COVID a while back. #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #BikeTooter

Did my usual daily loop for the first time since last weekend, but I was definitely not over my cold yet. It wasn't the best time. :( (1, 2, 3, 4) #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #photography #photog #photos #photo #mywork
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Today's ride was much more enjoyable now that I don't feel like I'm not getting any air.
Unknown parent

Neil E. Hodges
Yep, I saw that while I was out, too.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

I tried riding right after the big #Seattle #snow event at the beginning of December, but I didn't have suitable tires for what I ran into! (Original) #wasnow #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #photography #photog #photo

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Ran into Steven Frey while out on my usual #bicycle ride yesterday, whose custom #Trek conversions have been featured in Bicycle Quarterly articles like this one. He was with his wife and son, both of whom have their own Freks. (Oddly enough, he wasn't riding a Frek himself, but his ride was a very nice build nonetheless.) I had no idea he lived in #Seattle!

His general Trek to Frek conversion process involves tweaking things here and there with the frame, which may include adding centerpull brake studs, as well as custom components. The article linked above is an example of his work.

#cycling #seabikes

velophant reshared this.

Minsc + Boo reshared this.

Had to stop for a couple photos here while on my ride this morning. (Sorry about the NDS.) #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #Seattle #photography #photog #photo #photos #mywork (1, 2)

Tom Hamby reshared this.

Ran into an MFG Cyclocross event at Woodland Park while out on a ride on Sunday. Now I'm curious about trying #cyclocross out for myself! #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #Seattle #photography #photog #photo #photos #mywork (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

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in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I’ve done a handful. I’d describe the experience as a time trial with distractions 😝

Really excited for SDOT to finally open the new protected bike lane that will finish the outer loop around Green Lake for cyclists! (Original)

Oh, and I got a Specialized Phenom for this bike since I know that saddle works for me and has enough setback. #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #Seattle

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

And get rid of noise... that tool i know is capable to reduce that (DxO PhotoLab 6 Elite) is Windows/Mac platform. There are other but for me that tool works.
in reply to dieter_wilhelm

Darktable can denoise, but it has its limits. If the denoise filter is applied too strongly, textured stuff looks too smooth.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I very much prefer roads that don't have such kind of "bicycle infrastructure", for various reasons. See for example the roads I used on my bike ride yesterday.
2022-10-30: Bonn→ Vischel → Scheuren → Bonn by road bike.

Finally got to get out and ride my new Crust Romanceur yesterday. The ride is super plush with the 2" tires, but plenty agile with the small 26" rims! This iteration also finally added thru-axles, which are one of my requirements for disc brakes today after dealing with them with QRs for years. Only problem now is that the saddle doesn't have enough setback, but I have a specific replacement saddle in mind. #cycling #bicycle #seabikes (1, 2)

First ride with #Autumn weather of the year! Someone put a pumpkin lantern on the head of the Lenin statue in Fremont. #cycling #bicycle #seabikes (1, 2, 3, 4)

After #cycling today in the #smoke, I finally ordered a reusable respirator mask and a set of P100 filters. I hate wildfire season. #bicycle #seabikes
Unknown parent

Neil E. Hodges
Pretty much anyone would have trouble breathing while exercising heavily with a PM2.5 AQI of over 160. I still taste smoke hours after getting home.

Saw Zach Hales's Park(ing) Day park while out riding on Friday. Looks like folks were having a pretty chill time! #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #parkingday (Original)