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You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round…

#Seattle #smoke #wawx

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Oh, the weather outside is smoggy,
And the fumes make me feel groggy.
The oxygen count is low.
Where to go, where to go, where to go?
It doesn't show signs of stopping,
And my brain just feels like popping.
Smoke is here, and so
Where to go, where to go, where to go?

#smoke #wasmoke #wawx #Seattle

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

It's a puzzlement. And here's my advice to you: If you want to live, don't breathe! That's what I call ecology.

Baloo Uriza reshared this.

Saw this while out today. #Seattle

Shawn Andrew reshared this.

A middle-aged lady driving a brand new Mercedes with the bumper sticker "PNW Luxury Vehicles" flipped off the teachers striking in front of the local high school while stopped at a red light then started driving off only to realize the light was still red. She then shouted something at them that I couldn't discern. #
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I understand the whole "you should've gotten a better paying job if you wanted better pay," but somebody has to teach the kids.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

If teachers aren't paid enough to live a decent life, do they think we will attract top quality teachers?

You invest in what matters to you, and children are our future. If a society isn't willing to invest in the education of it's children. It doesn't value it's future.

Someone's setting off fireworks on the street at 5:30 AM. #

People are panicking about the # heatwave, but I haven't had much issue with exercising outdoors in heat worse than this around here. Today's afternoon # ride was quite pleasant. # #

That said, I'm reasonably fit and young, so I don't have to be as careful. Definitely applying sunscreen, though!

People are already launching fireworks. #

# has had electric vehicles plying its roads for over 80 years. Why is it taking so long for most of the rest of the US to catch up?

#Seattle Parks and Recreation seems to be doing something to Woodland Park lately. I saw the shelters torn down and rebuilt. #cycling #bicycle #seabikes (1)

A dehumidifier is helping quite a bit with the recent # weather.

Went on an enjoyable yet rigorous #bicycle ride this morning, following a loop I always enjoy. Despite snacking on an energy bar in Lake Forest Park, I ended up bonking while riding through Lake City, so I had to stop at the Metropolitan Market in Laurelhurst. Since the energy bar didn't help, I thought to try a sugary sports drink for a quick boost, and it certainly did the trick! I guess that's why they contain so much sugar, since a low calorie drink wouldn't be so helpful when running low on energy. #cycling (Album)

While out, I noticed several booths for #BikeEverywhereDay scattered about, which was pretty cool. What was less cool was that the Burke–Gilman Trail was being blocked off in the University District, and I'm still not sure why. #seabikes #Seattle

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Checked out the partially gravel #bicycle route along the shore of Union Bay yesterday. The relative quiet and scenery were quite nice! #cycling #seabikes (Album)

While riding back home through Fremont, I saw that the #Seattle Fire Department was fighting a fire in an old house a little up the hill, which explained the smell of smoke everywhere. I asked my local bike shop about it and they said that it was a training exercise paired with a controlled demolition.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

@clover let me have her old Garmin Fenix 5 since she hadn't used it in quite some time. Been wearing it on my #bicycle rides and when sleeping to keep track of various biometrics. #cycling #fitness
This entry was edited (2 years ago)

I've kind of given up on getting groceries by # in # when hundreds of dollars of my stuff was stolen off my bike. # #

One of the goals I had in mind than pushed me into #motorcycle riding was easier access to Eastern #Washington roads. (I don't have as much time as I used to for doing that by bicycle.) This ride marks my first time doing so, and it was definitely worth it! I was treated to sunny weather and pine trees, which were exactly what I needed after all of the rainy days around #Seattle over the past few months. Really makes me want to move to Eastern Washington!

Snoqualmie Pass & Cle Elum (2022-05-01)


Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

Went on a nice little spin around Capitol Hill this morning, before potential bad weather rolls in. It was really nice to get a little more hill climbing than usual in! #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #Seattle (Album)

Also, the new deck on the Montlake Bridge looks very nice.

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

It took a global pandemic for me to realize that I actually don't like the # weather most of the year.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Was treated some lovely sunny weather in Central Washington yesterday, only to come home to a downpour in #Seattle today. Maybe it's a sign.

While out riding last week, I discovered a new route from Stone Way N to Fremont Avenue N via Woodland Park. Since the road is closed in the park, it's a very quiet and scenic option, with lots of tree cover. #cycling #bicycle #seabikes #park #Seattle (Album with more photos)

City of Seattle Moves All Bus Stops to Queen Anne to Reduce Crime

After the 3rd and Pine bus stop closure single-handedly ended all signs of crime, drug addiction and homelessness in Downtown Seattle a month ago, the City of Seattle announced today it’s now ready to reduce crime in the city even further by moving all bus stops to Queen Anne.

Can't wait to move away from #.
  • Shootings in the "good" parts of town are becoming more frequent. My partner was stuck in a store lockdown yesterday because of a nearby shooting, and saw the body bag on her way back home.
  • Our building is broken into a couple of times per month, with the expected property crimes following. My motorcycle was nearly stolen a while back and I had to have expensive repairs done on it because of the damage.
  • Random people are screaming and throwing things when we're outside. We've even been assaulted a couple of times while being accosted.
  • Everything is so expensive here!
  • The weather over the past 6 months has been mostly terrible. I'm tired of downpours and want a better rain shadow.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

"Sozialer Brennpunkt" i have it to translate..
social housing / public housing scheme for those which are socially deprived
Usually a lot of those people have no job... Tend to be agressive to strangers sometimes... That setting i had in mind.
in reply to dieter_wilhelm

Thanks for clarifying.

Yes, Seattle is working on that some, but some of these projects have rules that some unhoused don't wish to follow, so they aren't allowed to stay.