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Most Web-savvy folks know that Chrome's lineage can be traced back to Safari (WebKit, etc.), and be traced further back to KDE's Konquerer (KHTML, etc.).
But did you know that Apple was also considering Mozilla's Gecko engine as the basis back when planning development of Safari? KHTML was chosen because the codebase was significantly cleaner than the XPCOM bloat in Gecko. (That name still strikes fear in me to this day. 😱) Interestingly, the Gecko codebase has been since cleaned up significantly.
That means that, if things had gone differently, Gecko could've ended up as the browser engine that rules the world today. 😜
#Apple #Safari #Google #Chrome #Mozilla #Firefox #Web #webdev
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QuickTime interactive
During the development cycle for QuickTime 3.0, part of the engineering team was working on a more advanced version of QuickTime to be known as QuickTime interactive or QTi. Although similar in concept to the wired movies feature released as part of QuickTime 3.0, QuickTime interactive was much more ambitious. It allowed any QuickTime movie to be a fully interactive and programmable container for media. A special track type was added that contained an interpreter for a custom programming language based on 68000 assembly language. This supported a comprehensive user interaction model for mouse and keyboard event handling based in part on the AML language from the Apple Media Tool.The QuickTime interactive movie was to have been the playback format for the next generation of HyperCard authoring tool. Both the QuickTime interactive and the HyperCard 3.0 projects were canceled in order to concentrate engineering resources on streaming support for QuickTime 4.0, and the projects were never released to the public.
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Just had to four second salute my iMac because it ran out of RAM and the GUI was unresponsive.
No matter how much #Apple fanboys praise their products, a computer is still a computer. :/
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Oh, and if you install #RockBox on them, you can use them without iTunes and they can play Vorbis, FLAC, and so on.
Building a Custom iPod Video!
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XiozTzu 🇺🇦👊
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