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This is the ultimate. My TV is no longer supported by Netflix. They actually expect me to buy a new TV to see their crummy service! Canceling today.


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in reply to Emmanuel Goldstein

Out of curiosity, how old is that TV? As much as I dislike Netflix, at some point security upgrades can force obsolescence, and a $20 dongle will usually serve just as well, if not better.

Lauren Weinstein reshared this.

in reply to Lauren Weinstein

@lauren We use an older Chromecast device with a dumb TV. If your allegedly smart TV has an HDMI input you could go that route, and it is cheap.
in reply to Joe

@not2b Yeah, I think I saw Chromecast with Google TV HDTV version (which is my primary streaming device), for only $20 a few days ago. There are even cheaper alternatives. Sidenote: I use my old Logitech Revue keyboard as my primary remote!
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

@tk @goldstein ☝️100%

If I had to guess, the Panny plasma that I have been babying along since 2011's netflix widget probably lost support already. Happily rocking an Nvidia Shield, which also streamed offsite Emby files like a champ. Son also uses a current gen -1 Xbox One X to stream.

When TV gets replaced, I am not even going to look at the widgets/apps.

This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to Emmanuel Goldstein

Blowing my mind since I didn't see Star Trek TNG, DS9 or Voyager in color until *after* the ATSC transition.