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Currently on the lookout for quill stems with a horizontal extension in the 30-40mm range. Any ideas? #cycling #bicycle #mastobikes #biketooter

I have very long legs and a short torso, so "normal" bicycle frames never fit me very well. I always end up with a lot of seatpost height and a short stem, even though I'm leaned forward comfortably and with plenty of power in my pedal stroke.

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Kind of getting the feeling I'm probably going to have to convert it to a threadless stem. :(
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Same. I've searched a little, and found nothing that short. Seems like all the Nittos are close to 100mm. I'm thinking I'll get a plug silver soldered into my steerer so I can use modern stems.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I think I have one in the parts box. Won’t be back home to check until the weekend. I’ll let you know.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

There are quill converters that slip into a quill steerer and let you put a modern stem on. There are also swept back handlebars that reduce the saddle to handlebars distance.
Salsa used to make basically zero reach quill stems, and I still see those on ebay sometimes. I think Profile did, too.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Nitto makes super-short stems with long quills. These are 50s. I think that might be their shortest.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Thanks for the replies, everyone. I wish 50mm would be short enough, but I'm pretty sure I'd need something even shorter.

Ended up going with this little oddity from Crust Bikes, which was made by Nitto. My only worry is that its maximum vertical extension is a little less than my current setup, but maybe the reduced reach will make up for that. #cycling #bicycle #mastobikes #biketooter

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

following because likewise short/long combination, see also: jumpsuit = bad idea
in reply to Leah Price

This is what I ended up landing on.

Thanks for the replies, everyone. I wish 50mm would be short enough, but I'm pretty sure I'd need something even shorter.

Ended up going with this little oddity from Crust Bikes, which was made by Nitto. My only worry is that its maximum vertical extension is a little less than my current setup, but maybe the reduced reach will make up for that. #cycling #bicycle #mastobikes #biketooter
