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In your opinion, which #Linux distribution is the most challenging for beginners? 🤔
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Ubuntu, or just about anything that hides the power of Linux from the user.
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I know Arch has an installer now but I'd probably still say that just because of how much you need to fidget with it. Though since it's been a while that may have changed
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as an arch user, probably arch. Haven't used the new installer though
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Slack might require more Linux skills than the average user has. It was my first distro, though.

Gentoo might not be too easy, dpending on how motivated to learn you are

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Awaiting the phrase #Arch #Linux is easy from a Arch evangelist
All you need to do is ./configure; make; make install ;)

#programming #POSIX

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
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Technically not a distro but I'll go with Linux from scratch
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I'll be the first to admit that it might be bias on my part.

With the ubiquity of Ubuntu and Debian, the vast majority of searchable content seems oriented around .deb packages and getting Ubuntu or Debian set up to do a task.

I'm mildly surprised to see pacman mentioned in step-by-step instructions, startled if I see a dnf command.

For one of the big three distro styles, which would probably pull in a beginner with the promise of ease, there seems a minority of content.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Bach when I was a beginner, definitely Gentoo. Learned a lot but didn't stick with it.
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To answer differently from others, I'd say one that's specialized and not aimed at them, like Qubes OS or maybe Kali Linux.
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LFS (Linux From Scratch) if you consider it a distribution, otherwise Nix, Guix, and Gentoo
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every each of em if ya are blind,
because you have to think double of what sighted need to.
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Linux from scratch (LFS) or Arch-Linux. Therefore using #RockyLinux is way nicer and stable
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depends where they are starting from.

I can't comment about most distros but modern Debian is easy compared with pre Sarge Debian, so I assume other distros have become massively easier in the last decade too.

However at the same time I think most Windows and Mac users have become less technical so that counts against them when they jump ships...

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Any that installs loads of software that you don’t ever need, don’t know what it does, or don’t know it’s installed; then you break your system when you try “cleaning things out”. Hold on, that all of them, right? Oh, except Alpine Linux.
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Linux from scratch 😉

On the other hand ... if you're able to go through this, you'll end up having a pretty good understanding of what makes an OS run and how the desktop plugs into the stack.

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I think it's Fedora because of a the combination between the lack of documentation and the its open source purity that makes it hard to setup.
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I started installing Arch and failed on setting up network. I ended installing Manjaro.
I use linux daily since 2007, am I beginner enough?
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Obviously LFS.

But for the modern generation, it’s ubuntu. Snaps are soooooo slow, imagine what this attention deprived generation would do.

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Non. Only getting the bootloader to load your installation when it wants a Windows.