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in reply to Neil E. Hodges

The darktable one is definitely more dramatic but I might like the straight shot better. It's easier to see the details and the landscape. Both are good though. In the end it mostly depends on what your intention is.
in reply to Rafael

Thanks. I feel like the details in the landscape are easier to see in the lighter one. Would it be better to lower the exposure a bit before applying the white balance, etc.?
in reply to Rafael

By the way, it's the blue one that's the straight shot. The Darktable one is more neutral and brighter. Not sure why Friendica reversed the order.
in reply to Rafael

yeah, I like the darktable one better. 😁
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

To be honest, the second is better beause the deep tones are not dark, and detail in those deep tones are visible, which usually a JPEG cannot display.
So to speak first steps... What is next, Get the sky exposure right :-) But take time for that... no sweat.
in reply to dieter_wilhelm

Thanks. To confirm, do you mean the one that's less dark and blue is better?
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

@Neil E. Hodges Yep. To be clear, developing RAW Files i do for 15 years now... And what is easy for me, is for "beginners" something to learn.

Like "mask the sky, underexpose 1 f-stop. Global exposure +1 (raise the deep tones and bring the sky back), enhance microcontrast and slightly shadows and deep tones." As an example.
in reply to dieter_wilhelm

How's this? I used less exposure but tweaked the base curve. More contrast and the sky isn't blown out.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Usable, dark tones - bike details are "too dark" and maybe some contrast (like the second pic) are there. Impression "soft"
Unknown parent

Neil E. Hodges
What about this?
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

@dieter_wilhelm I do have one last question. While working on doing what you recommended and masking the sky so it can have different operations applied, I found that I really need to adjust the feathering radius from the default. Unfortunately, I don't have a scroll wheel on my trackball. Do you know of another way to do it?
Unknown parent

Neil E. Hodges
That's an artifact of brightening an image without making other adjustments. Increasing the saturation helps with that quite a bit, which I've been playing around with locally.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

@Neil E. HodgesSorry in darktable i have not real knowledge. But a scrollwhell in a trackball should be on the market. Hmm, working with native linux support? Logitech maybe???
in reply to dieter_wilhelm

The place where a scroll wheel would be on my trackball is where the trackball itself is. The only trackballs I've seen on the market with scrollwheels are the kind where you use your thumb to actuate the ball, and I don't like those.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Last one seems for a good end of that development. Leave that in those state, and go for another shot...

A color lookup table is another way to get "things right".... so a good idea.