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in reply to Neil E. Hodges

aaaaah i want! I'm planning to do Bay Area Seattle this summer
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I'd love to do some traveling, but I need a bigger motorcycle first. I don't think that Grom will cut it. 😂
in reply to Dave Heinemann 🇦🇺

You'd be surprised. There are folks who do long-distance touring on mopeds (distinct from scooters). (Photo source)
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

It's definitely doable, but I think I need something a bit more practical to preserve my sanity.

Either that, or I need to do a better job of finding good back roads. 🤔 Australian highways have low speed limits and few people speed, but the Grom still ends up holding up traffic if people can't safely overtake.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I’m planning cross Canada from Ottawa to Tuktoyaktuk in the Summer on my Zero DSR/X. Will be Spotwalla-ing if you want to join in on the odd day ;-) biggest problem is charging up there, but I got my solar panels ready and tested… electric #motorcycle touring is different (sort of slower) but a very fine way to see places.