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Seems like motorcycles are a lot more popular outside of the US and Canada. #motorcycle
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I don't know about Canada, but as far as I can tell most places I go people ride a motorcycle because they're cheap, have good gas mileage, and are easy to park (the same reasons I got one). In the U.S. people mostly don't care about any of those things and only ride motorcycles for the "cool" factor or because they're tied to ideas of toxic masculinity and they think it makes them look tough.
in reply to Sam Whited

What I'm getting at is that it's always striking to me how different "motorcycle culture" is here vs. when I'm traveling.
in reply to Sam Whited

Motorcycles are viable transportation in much of the world, but in the US and Canada they are considered "toys".
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Yah! Toys is a good word for it that I was missing; that's exactly how it is here.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

Possibly because of the size, you see a lot of cheaper/more efficient/lower cc bikes here. This is also rapidly expanding with the cost of living.