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in reply to Neil E. Hodges

The video was of course about #EV fires in general, but saying "#Tesla fires" gets more clicks. As does not mentioning that EV fires are an order of magnitude less common per distance driven than gasoline fires. And anyone who drives an #ICE vehicle filled with a big tank full neurotoxic carcinogenic liquid and burning the car's weight's worth into toxic exhaust every single year has no business mentioning the word "toxic" in regards to anything about #EVs.
#tesla #ice #ev #evs
in reply to Nafnlaus 🇮🇸 🇺🇦

Beyond this:

* There's nothing unusual about firefighters having vehicle-specific info about the vehicles in a crash. You have to. You have to know what's safe to cut (and how) and what's not. Otherwise you might say set off an (explosive) airbag right next to your head or whatnot.

* Talking about "days or weeks later" for reignition is not normal. You do have to fully cool a pack, but it's very unlikely it will reignite days or weeks later. There are cases, but it's not at all the norm.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)