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I was walking home yesterday along one of the major arterials (A) yesterday when I heard an ambulance siren also headed along arterial A toward where it has an intersection with arterial B. It waited at the intersection for a moment, then I heard a loud #Harley blasting down arterial B and saw it zip across the intersection at high speed.

This is another reason why I don't want to be associated with Harley culture. #motorcycle

Neil E. Hodges reshared this.

in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I live across the street from both a fire station and a hospital and probably hate emergency vehicle sirens more than most people, but I still think that was selfish, reckless, and downright stupid.
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I now live a few block away from the hospital and the fire station
In the midle of the night: I ear almost nothing!!