In all my years of #cycling, I've never found a great solution for cold weather. If I bundle up so I'm not chilled, then I soak everything with sweat in short order. If I wear less, then I freeze. I've tried Merino wool, synthetics (Gore, Event, etc.), and so on, but nothing works well enough for me.
Sadly, that means I don't do anything exciting on the #bicycle during the coldest part of the year. Just my daily local loop. :(
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in reply to Neil E. Hodges • • •It’s usually three layers for me- a skin touching layer to wick, a middle layer for insulation (often wool), and then an outer layer for elemental protection (wind, rain, snow). The outer two layers NEED to be full zip, with pulls I can grab. I unzip on climbs, and rezip on decents. #biketooter
Neil E. Hodges likes this.
in reply to nothingfuture • • •NilaJones
in reply to Neil E. Hodges • • •Yeah, it can be tricky!
What works for me is to wear multiple full zip layers on top. No quarter zip / opening at the neck only!
That way as I warm up, as I am riding, I can first unzip my outer parka, then unzip inner fleece jacket, and get the cold breeze coming in
Of course, this is not aerodynamic, but I don't care
Richard K :blobcatverified:
in reply to Neil E. Hodges • • •Neil E. Hodges
in reply to Richard K :blobcatverified: • •valkraider :verified:
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Neil E. Hodges
in reply to valkraider :verified: • •Neil E. Hodges
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