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in reply to Neil E. Hodges

I do. It was supposed to be a friendlier more sensible alternative to C++ without the unsafe burden of C compatibility. It is still around but I don’t know how many people are using it.
in reply to Dr. Panos Asproulis

it's still around, I poke into the forums every once in a while. but the leadership is perpetually unwilling to learn from their mistakes and just keeps doing the same things that caused the language to fall out of favor in the first place. there is just no focus or direction. its sad because D had a lot of potential.

Literally a year ago they asked a lot of the D community for feedback, and their response to a ton of the most ardent supporters telling them they need to change was.. to not respond to the feedback for like 8 months then when they did they basically just did same old same old of hyper focusing on little details instead of the leadership issues...

I wonder if walter bright is on mastodon...