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I don't like when people claim mastodon doesn't work, because mastodon works an order of magnitude better for me than literally every other social media platform I've used, including pre-Musk Twitter where I had twice as many followers as I do here
in reply to Eniko Fox

I am on Threads now and it's better than Twitter but much worse than Mastodon, it's not even funny.
in reply to Eniko Fox

ah post privacy oops thought you were mutual..

copied because its easier than reposting:

just realized I have a nerve, people calling mastodon new, and also implying its only just getting popular.

it pains me in such a weird way.. I know its a minor thing but ooft

in reply to Eniko Fox

mastodon doesn't work because ot does lazyfuck networking instead of properly implementing shit that's been solved ten times each decade for 30 years
in reply to Eniko Fox

It works so much better as a platform for actual communication. On other platforms everyone seems to be either trying to go viral or avoid going viral... so as a result creating a carefully curated version of themselves for mass consumption.

Here folks just <are>

in reply to Eniko Fox

the ones that I've seen complaining the most are journalist/influencer types and, if you'll forgive the term, normies.

Folks that either want to shove their content in front of as many eyeballs as possible or folks that just want to take in content/news without having to think particularly hard about actually getting to know interesting people

in reply to Bee O'Problem

They're trying to kill the Fediverse off before it becomes too big. They don't want to lose the control and clout they've had on social networks thus far.
in reply to Eniko Fox

people like to externalise their personal (bad) taste by saying something they don’t like is objectively wrong or bad.
in reply to Eniko Fox

maybe it’s a good sign that people are finding things that work for them and other people are like “no?!”?

The idea that there could be a universal social media platform is maybe actually just bad. Something that almost works for almost all people is probably worse, unless you’re a business selling it.

in reply to Eniko Fox

coming here is actually good for my mental health, which makes it probably the first social media platform to do so.
in reply to Eniko Fox

I love it for what it's meant for -- micro-blogging and communicating with people. I like the overall feel and atmosphere here a lot.

I think the people saying it "doesn't work" find what pain points the platform software does have for mass adoption to be too stifling.

I love what it represents as far as ownership though. It's software. Wanna spin up your own and have people follow you? Heck yeah, go for it. The email analogy clicks with me more and more.

in reply to Eniko Fox

yeah, there was a time where i had like 500 or so people following me on twitter? i swear most of them were bots or just never interacted...and as an artist it sucked 'cause's like you become a content machine, and they only wanna see your work, not you :blobhaj_sad_reach:

obviously i'm not anywhere near that "visible" here but shit feels genuine. prefer it waaaaaay more :blobhaj_heart:

in reply to Eniko Fox

Fully agree. I'm always a little confused about people complaining about this. I have far more and higher quality interactions on #masto than any other platform and I haven't even been here for two full months. Maybe has a bit to do with instance, but probably mostly the user's choice to engage. The learning curve is not that steep.
in reply to Eniko Fox

Yeah honestly my experience so far has been that the only thing holding mastodon back is people's weird aversion to it. I guess also it's a little hard to explain to other people in a way that makes sense, but it's actually quite simple to use once you make an account.
in reply to Eniko Fox

I agree. I had 12k followers on Twitter, but the quality of interactions here is orders of magnitude more interesting and productive.
in reply to Eniko Fox

“Works” from what criteria, though? I think people making those claims are thinking only about a single criterion, but there are a lot of things to consider that are all valuable.

I haven’t yet had a bad interaction on the fediverse, for one thing. My instance is well administrated by kind and competent folks, and the folks on the instances we’re federated with have been kind as well. It’s just a really nice place to talk to folks, so on that criterion, it’s working fantastically.

The main thing I miss is that it’s missing a lot of the people I like hearing from and talking to. A LOT of people, unfortunately. So to stay in touch with them, I have to keep other avenues active, including, unfortunately, bird site.

But it’s still good and nice to be able to take a sort of internet breather in the fediverse. I hope more people give it a shot, and I think as the fediverse gradually becomes less obtuse and birdsite becomes more of a hellhole, that will gradually occur.

Also it was nice to be able to just write this big-ass reply in one single piece instead of… what… five chained posts? I am a severe overexplainer and the software FGCN is currently running is an enabler, lmao

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to T5F TiZ

@tiz being able to type more also lets you put in more context and disclaimers and reduces the amount of people misunderstanding and coming aggressively into your mentions like "BUT WHAT ABOUT..." about something that you discussed 3 posts down the thread
in reply to Eniko Fox

I get to see the people I follow, don't have to see people I don't follow based on some algorithm, and nobody has harassed me so far - in fact I have seen zero in-person bigotry at all!

Works much better.