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man, if only i kept my real life house was as tidy as my minecraft base. i feel like there's some lesson to be learned here
in reply to Eniko Fox

I find that it's easier for me to keep spaces neat if I'm not actually living in them :flan_shrug:
in reply to Eniko Fox

My therapist did once ask me how it was that I got anxious and could not tackle real-world complex issues and problems, but then played difficult videogames. Hm.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Eniko Fox

This sounds like the same kind of executive dysfunction that I'm dealing with. I really want to get to the root of why I'm more willing to do virtual chores than real chores. It's really weird. :/
in reply to Neil E. Hodges

@tk to be fair to myself, in real life i cant create oodles of new storage in like 1 minute
in reply to Eniko Fox

I mean, if my house contained a place that continuously spawn zombies, I would also pay a LOT of attention exactly how things are arranged.
in reply to Eniko Fox

Probably would be if you had an inventory, never had to vacuum or do similar maintenance, and could build where and how you liked.
in reply to Machine Lord Zero

@MachineLordZero yeah its not like i can instantly double my storage capacity in real life >:|
in reply to Eniko Fox

They laughed - LAUGHED - when I put in a lava hole in the corner of my house. Well look who's saving money by incinerating all their trash for free now, Marty!
in reply to Eniko Fox

maybe the lesson is“it’s easier to keep things tidy when things despawn after a few minutes if you leave them on the floor”
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Eniko Fox

the lesson might be: get VR goggles and move into Minecraft full time
in reply to Eniko Fox

the lesson is real life wishes it was as fulfilling as Minecraft