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Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News, network says

Fox News said in a statement on Monday that it had parted ways with controversial host Tucker Carlson.
#FoxNews #media #TV #news #CBC
in reply to Adam Hunt

It is hard to guess if he is totally done now, or will turn up on some other right wing network. I expect his texts make him totally toxic:
"We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights. I truly can't wait," he texted to an unidentified person in early 2021. "I hate him passionately.... I can't handle much more of this."
in reply to Adam Hunt

Can't read the whole article, but WaPo says he was talking trash about the execs. Also his former producer is suing him and the network.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Odd that you can;t read it all, as CBC is supposed to be public, but it is also here:
in reply to Adam Hunt

"It [Carlson's recent U.S. Capitol rhetoric] traffics in all manner of innuendo and conspiracy theories that I think legitimately could lead to violence. That for me, and for Steve, was the last straw." - Jonah Goldberg as reported on
in reply to Adam Hunt

Can’t wait till he’s called to testify in the other lawsuits against Felch News. Lol. No real constraints now.
in reply to Adam Hunt

I suspect there's a fair chance he's headed to Rumble where he could make something on ad revenue, plus he could do his whole show with less than a dozen people. Newsmax would take him but they don't have nearly enough the money. Otherwise he's untouchable by everyone else. As Tucker's show was by far cable's most wanted show I see a lot of Fox News viewers leaving for Newsmax, Rumble or any place else. Fox News has no one that can [thankfully] replace him.

Fox News still has to deal with a lawsuit from Smartmatic and they've said they won't settle for less than what Dominion got which was $787.5 million.

As carriage fees come up for renegotiation I don't see Fox News getting anything close to their [rumored] average rate of $20 per home, which makes up the vast bulk of their profits.

Call it a death by a few massive cuts, Fox News might be gone by the end of the year. Even the name is pretty much worthless.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Smartmatic also says that they want an on-air apology and an admission that they lied.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Now that there star player is sidelined, the other Fox personalities are really gonna have to step up their lying game. If they expect to make the playoffs. Lol
in reply to Adam Hunt

LOL, trolling:
Asked whether the firing was a part of the settlement last week, Dominion spokesperson said "Nothing from us on that right now."
in reply to Adam Hunt

@Nora Qudus "he is a rich boy he will be fine"

Monetarily agreed but he's a beast that demands attention, the lime-light, and without that he, in his and everyone else's mind, is nothing. Death of the ego for one so high by his own petard I would assume would be very painful.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Congrats to Tucker Carlson upon becoming the first tv host in history to be fired by CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News - the cable tv Triple Crown!
in reply to Adam Hunt

Worth noting he was on PBS as well!

Maybe he will just retire and write a book?
in reply to Adam Hunt

Maybe Lemon and Carlson can co-host a new show on PBS!
in reply to Adam Hunt

I doubt we will see either back on the air. Lemon blew it with a lengthy history of misogyny and Carlson is now on record as a Trump-hating right winger.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Kind of odd that the top level right wing snd left wing protagonists are dumped simultaneously…
Where’s QAnon when you need them?
in reply to Adam Hunt

@Doug Senko this thought occurred to me today. I don't think this is possible, but... One of the main drivers of conservative movement seems to be building a safe space for businesses to thrive in a free-market limited government regulated space. Anything that seems to want to constrain business must be attacked. Global warming? Nah, must be bunk, lest we curtail the fossil fuel industry.

Could the rhetoric hit a tipping point? Wherein the trajectory of the rhetoric leads not to more free market and good-for-business landscape but elsewhere? To a dystopian get-shot-by-strangers hyped up on fear-of-others? Might the Star Chamber members have met and said enough is enough. Gavel drops and away goes Carlson and Lemon.

If a political strategy of attack trans-folks, M&Ms and Mickey Mouse is understood to be an ultimate fail -- enough to win a primary but not a general. Might the GOP Star Chamber members say enough is enough! Stop the culture war nonsense before we disappear into whining hell-hole of nothingness?

Cheers, -Randy
in reply to Adam Hunt

I vote for whining hell-hole of nothingness....we are on that trajectory
in reply to Adam Hunt

LOL, well let's see where he turns up next, if anywhere.