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Class-action lawsuit against Facebook claiming discrimination gets the green light - Lawsuit alleges the social media giant allowed advertisers to discriminate on basis of age, gender, race

The Quebec Court of Appeal has approved a class-action lawsuit launched on behalf of Facebook users who claim they were discriminated against because the social media giant allowed advertisers to target job and housing ads based on factors like age, gender or race.

The class action could include thousands of Quebec residents who have used Facebook since April 2016 and who were looking for jobs or housing during that period.

Facebook has 60 days after the court's Dec. 22 ruling to decide whether to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. If it does not appeal, the case returns to the Quebec Superior Court.

Audrey Boctor, a lawyer with the Montreal law firm IMK who launched the class action application in 2019, said the ruling "offers a way forward for claims that might otherwise never be brought."

"We are very pleased with the Quebec Court of Appeal judgment that recognizes that class actions are an appropriate vehicle for claims of widespread, surreptitious discrimination," Boctor said.

"Algorithmic discrimination that excludes people such as women and older workers from receiving employment advertisements is just a modern form of the same type of discrimination that is illegal under the Quebec Charter."
#Facebook #Quebec #law #humanrights #news #CBC #socialmedia #internet
in reply to Adam Hunt

Nice, I hope the judge slaps another huge fine on the Evil Empire.
in reply to Adam Hunt

I think that is a very likely outcome. I also suspect the written judgment may include some choice words of admonishment as well.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Fines are merely the cost of doing business to these assholes. Until someone finds a way to put the likes of Fuckerberg in jail, none of this will change.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Well this could be the first step for them. They will not only be fined but could be ordered to stop abusing human rights. If they don't this could lead to FB being banned in Canada.
in reply to Adam Hunt

I'd love to see that. I shan't hold my breath, though. Corruption is strong all around the world - less so in Canada than some other places but still there.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Our human rights commissions have quite an ability to order compliance and so do our courts, so let's see how this case plays out.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Nice, this is a big fine, but also a big bomb under his business model:
in reply to Adam Hunt

I'll say it again: the era of big commercial data harvesters is coming to an end.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Good thing! It would have happened earlier if people wouldn't use them so much.