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in reply to Adam Hunt

Nice! Don't know what can be done, but the place is a mess, and all his fault
I believe he should be forced to fix it or close it. As-is now it is a joke.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Well as the senator has noted, the regulators are close to stepping in.
in reply to Adam Hunt

yea...go back to making EV's with exploding battery
in reply to Adam Hunt

I saw this when it was new and all I thought was ... Maybe he should fix the Senate first? If #twitter is broken then let capitalism take care of it.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Musk taking over Twitter is capitalism taking "care of" Twitter. We'll see how it goes.
in reply to Adam Hunt

So far it has not looked like a ringing endorsement.
in reply to Adam Hunt

I cant wait till the dummies that financed him for $24 billion come calling and want their money back..
in reply to Adam Hunt

he will turn into the next trump of business
Seems to have already achieved that mark.