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Twitter closes offices until Monday as employees quit in droves

Hundreds of Twitter employees are estimated to be leaving the beleaguered social media company following an ultimatum from new owner Elon Musk that staffers sign up for "long hours at high intensity," — or leave.
#Twitter #ElonMusk #fail #News #CBC
in reply to Adam Hunt

management now appears to have grown concerned about the number of people planning to depart and are “scrambling” to convince talent to stay. Twitter, which has reportedly eliminated most of its public relations team, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
As employees (per this article) worry about 'poisoning from within'

Nothing left but engineering (so, AI for "moderation"? No humans involved in PR, legal, or customer relations?)
No mention - yet that I've seen - about user/customer experience. Or employees. Or anything but "hard-core" #MusKKK


in reply to Adam Hunt

Could we get Elon to buy Facebook next? Then maybe two social giants could fall.
in reply to Adam Hunt

There are two thoughts on my mind about this.
First, is he shutting the offices to stop anyone from bringing the system down
Second, is he going to have someone go through everyone's machines and look for anything that he can then use against them.
It should concern anyone connected to businesses like this that a new Owner can come in and make wholesale changes to the business without any regard to the way that the company has been built and operated. It doesn't feel like he has done his homework, just has his thoughts on how it will operate and so how he will get his money back as quick as possible.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Well first he mostly bought the company with investor’s money (mostly Saudi) not his and right now the company basically has no assets left. The assets were the codebase, employees, users and advertisers - all pretty much gone. I wouldn’t buy the company for a dime now.
in reply to Adam Hunt

I've never seen a social network go away quite like this. Crazy times we're living in!
in reply to Adam Hunt

Yeah it took him just over two weeks but he has totally destroyed it. I expect it will go 404 this weekend.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Yeah personally I think that was a good move, but then it wasn't my $44B that he wasted
in reply to Adam Hunt

A few years ago slave-driving motivation consultants were telling their clients and victims about being "passionate" about their work. (The same idea as above.) A friend of mine was at a company meeting where the management took this line. And she piped up, "If it's passion, it's not something I'm gonna do for money." Everyone laughed. Fortunately the meme or slogan died out before she had to look for a new job.
in reply to Adam Hunt

I don't care if it dies; I get all my tweets from
in reply to Adam Hunt

I have one of those noises programs on my computer that includes a variety of actual tweets. You know, the kind that are produced by little guys with feathers.